Page 146 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 146

CA Ravi Taori

             Points of SA 260 are covered in Chapter 2, Please refer that, we have just included additional points
                                                     highlighted here.

         (CNO-SA260.280) Communication with Subgroup/Committee
         Subgroup Communication: If the auditor communicates with a subgroup of those charged with governance,
         such as an audit committee or an individual, they must also determine if it is necessary to communicate with the
         governing body as a whole.

         (CNO-SA260.300) When All of Those Charged with Governance Are Involved in Managing the Entity
         Overlap: In certain situations, all individuals responsible for governing an entity also manage it, such as in a
         small business where the owner is the sole manager and there are no other governance roles.
         No need to re-communicate: When matters required by this Standard are communicated to individuals with
         management responsibilities who also have governance responsibilities, there is no need to re-communicate the
         same matters to these individuals in their governance role.
         Verification: The auditor must ensure that communication with individuals with management responsibilities
         adequately informs all those with whom the auditor would otherwise communicate in their governance capacity.

         SA 710 Comparative Information-Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements

         (CNO - SA 710.020)   Reporting Requirements in Case of Comparative Information
         Approaches: SA 710 Comparative Information-Corresponding Figures and Comparative Financial Statements
         outlines two main approaches for comparative information: corresponding figures and comparative financial
         Differences: The primary distinction in audit reporting between these approaches is that for corresponding
         figures, the auditor's opinion applies only to the current period, while for comparative financial statements, the
         auditor's opinion applies to each period for which financial statements are presented.
         Objectives:  The  auditor's  objectives  are  to  gather  sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence  to  verify  if  the
         comparative information in the financial statements complies with the requirements of the applicable financial
         reporting framework, and to report in line with their reporting responsibilities.

         (CNO - SA 710.040) Audit Procedures for Comparative Information:

         Basic Audit Procedures:
         The auditor shall determine whether the financial statements include the comparative information required by
         the applicable financial reporting framework and whether such information is appropriately classified. For this
         purpose, the auditor shall evaluate whether:
         (a) The comparative information agrees with the amounts and other disclosures presented in the prior period;
         (b) The accounting policies reflected in the comparative information are consistent with those applied in the
         current period or, if there have been changes in accounting policies, whether those changes have been properly
         accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed.
         Additional Audit Procedures:
         If  the  auditor  becomes  aware  of  a  possible  material  misstatement  in  the  comparative  information  while
         performing the current period audit, the auditor shall perform such additional audit procedures as are necessary
         in  the  circumstances  to  obtain  sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence  to  determine  whether  a  material
         misstatement exists. If the auditor had audited the prior period’s financial statements, the auditor shall also follow
         the relevant requirements of SA 560.
         Written Representations:                                                                                      07.20
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