Page 148 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 148

CA Ravi Taori

         Unaudited Statements: If the financial statements of the previous period were not audited, the current auditor
         should include a separate paragraph in their audit report stating that the corresponding figures are unaudited.
         However, this does not relieve the auditor from their responsibility of obtaining sufficient appropriate audit
         evidence to ensure that the opening balances do not contain material misstatements that would affect the current
         period's financial statements.

                 SA 720 - The Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information

         (CNO - SA 720.020) Introduction.
         This Standard on Auditing (SA): pertains to the auditor's responsibilities regarding other information, which
         can be financial or non-financial, included in an entity's annual report. The annual report may be a single
         document or a combination of documents serving the same purpose.
         Auditor's  Responsibilities:  The  auditor  is  required  to  read  and  consider  the  other  information  because
         inconsistencies with the financial statements or the knowledge obtained during the audit may indicate potential
         material misstatements in the financial statements or the other information. Such inconsistencies can undermine
         the credibility of the financial statements and the auditor's report.
         Reason (Potential Impact of Material Misstatements): Material misstatements in the other information can
         inappropriately influence the economic decisions of the users of the auditor's report, affecting their trust in the
         financial statements.
         Exclusions from SA 720: This SA does not apply to preliminary announcements of financial information or
         securities offering documents, including prospectuses.

         (CNO - SA 720.040) Important Definition:

         Annual Report Definition: An annual report is a document or combination of documents prepared typically
         annually by management or those charged with governance, as mandated by law, regulation, or custom. Its
         purpose is to inform owners or similar stakeholders about the entity's operations, financial results, and financial
         position as detailed in the financial statements.
         Contents of an Annual Report: The annual report contains or accompanies the financial statements and the
         auditor's report on them. It usually encompasses information on the entity's developments, future outlook, risks
         and uncertainties, a statement from the entity's governing body, and governance matters reports.
         Other  Information  Definition:  Other  information  refers  to  the  financial  or  non-financial  information,
         excluding the financial statements and the auditor's report on them, that is included in an entity's annual report.

         (CNO - SA 720.060) Objective
         Material Inconsistency with Financial Statements:
         (a)  To  consider  whether  there  is  a  material  inconsistency  between  the  other  information  and  the  financial

         Material Inconsistency with Auditor’s Knowledge:
         (b)  To  consider  whether  there  is  a  material  inconsistency  between  the  other  information  and  the  auditor’s
         knowledge obtained in the audit;
         Response to Material Inconsistencies:
         (c) To respond appropriately when the auditor identifies that such material inconsistencies appear to exist, or
         when the auditor otherwise becomes aware that other information appears to be materially misstated;
         Report in Accordance with SA:
         (d) To report in accordance with this SA.
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