Page 149 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 149

CA Ravi Taori

         (CNO - SA 720.080) Step 1: Obtaining the Other Information
         Discuss Annual Report preparation: The auditor must engage in discussions with the management to ascertain
         the document(s) that constitute the annual report, along with understanding the planned approach and timeline
         for the release of such document(s).
         Arrangements to Obtain the Report: The auditor is required to coordinate with the management to timely
         receive, preferably before the date of the auditor's report, the final version of the document(s) that make up the
         annual report.
         Request for Written Representation: In cases where some or all of the document(s) identified in point (a) are
         not accessible until after the date of the auditor's report, the auditor should ask the management to furnish a
         written representation. This representation should confirm that the final version of the document(s) will be
         shared with the auditor before the entity issues it, allowing the auditor to fulfil the procedures mandated by this
         Step 2: Reading and Considering the Other Information
         Considering Material Inconsistency with Financial Statements: The auditor is required to read the other
         information and assess if there exists a material inconsistency between the other information and the financial
         statements.  This  involves  comparing  selected  amounts  or  other  items  in  the  other  information,  which  are
         intended to be the same, summarize, or provide more details about the amounts or other items in the financial
         statements, with the respective amounts or other items in the financial statements.
         Considering Material Inconsistency with Auditor’s Knowledge: The auditor should also evaluate if there is
         a  material  inconsistency  between  the  other  information  and  the  knowledge  acquired  during  the  audit,
         considering the audit evidence obtained and conclusions drawn during the audit process.
         Alertness to Material Misstatements: While reviewing the other information as per the guidelines mentioned
         above,  the  auditor  must  stay  vigilant  for  signs  that  indicate  potential  material  misstatements  in  the  other
         information that is not connected to the financial statements or the knowledge gained during the audit.

         (CNO  -  SA  720.100)  Step  3:  Responding  When  a  Material  Inconsistency  Appears  to  Exist  or  Other
         Information Appears to Be Materially Misstated
         1. Discussion with Management: If the auditor identifies a potential material inconsistency or believes that the
         other information might be materially misstated, the initial step is to discuss the matter with management.

         2A. Determining Material Misstatement in Other Information: The auditor must then determine whether
         there is an actual material misstatement in the other information presented.
         2B. Assessing Material Misstatement in Financial Statements: The auditor should also evaluate if there's a
         material misstatement in the financial statements based on the inconsistency identified.
         2C.  Updating  Understanding  of  the  Entity:  If  required,  the  auditor  should  consider  whether  their
         understanding of the entity and its environment needs to be revised or updated based on the inconsistencies or
         misstatements identified.
         Step 4: Responding When the Auditor Concludes That a Material Misstatement of the Other Information
         Request to Management: If the auditor concludes that a material misstatement of the other information exists,
         the auditor shall request management to correct the other information.
         Management's  Agrees:  If  management  agrees to make the  correction, the auditor shall determine  that  the
         correction has been made.
         Management's Refusal: If management refuses to make the correction, the auditor shall communicate the

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