Page 166 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 166

CA Ravi Taori
         1C. Standards established by recognised organisation: The applicable financial reporting framework may
         encompass the financial reporting standards established by an organisation that is authorised or recognised to
         promulgate standards for special purpose financial statements. In that case, those standards will be presumed
         acceptable  for  that  purpose  if  the  organisation  follows  an  established  and  transparent  process  involving
         deliberation and consideration of the views of relevant stakeholders.
         2. Attributes of AFRF as per SA 210: The applicable financial reporting framework may encompass the financial
         reporting provisions of a contract or sources other than those described in the following paras. The acceptability
         of the financial reporting framework in the circumstances of the engagement is determined by considering
         whether the framework exhibits attributes normally exhibited by acceptable financial reporting frameworks in
         accordance with the requirements of SA 210.
         In the case of a special purpose framework, the relative importance to a particular engagement of each of the
         attributes normally exhibited by acceptable financial reporting frameworks is a matter of professional judgment.
         Example: For example, for purposes of establishing the value of net assets of an entity at the date of its sale, the
         vendor and the purchaser may have agreed that very prudent estimates of allowances for uncollectible accounts
         receivable are appropriate for their needs, even though such financial information is not neutral when compared
         with financial information prepared in accordance with a general purpose framework.
         3. Needs of the intended users: In the case of special purpose financial statements, the financial information
         needs of the intended users are a key factor in determining the acceptability of the financial reporting framework
         applied in the preparation of the financial statements.

         (CNO SA800.080) Considerations When Planning and Performing Such Audit
         1A. Ethical requirements & SA compliance: SA 200 requires the auditor to comply with (a) relevant ethical
         requirements, including those pertaining to independence, relating to financial statement audit engagements,
         and (b) all SAs relevant to the audit.
         1B.  Exception:  The  auditor  is  also  required  to  comply  with  each  requirement  of  an  SA  unless,  in  the
         circumstances  of  the  audit,  the  entire  SA  is  not  relevant  or  the  requirement  is  not  relevant  because  it  is
         conditional and the condition does not exist.
         1C.  Departure:  In  exceptional  circumstances,  the  auditor may  judge  it  necessary  to  depart  from  a  relevant
         requirement in an SA by performing alternative audit procedures to achieve the aim of that requirement.
         1D. Adjustments: Application of some of the requirements of the SAs in an audit of special purpose financial
         statements may require special consideration by the auditor.
         For example, in SA 320, judgments about matters that are material to users of the financial statements are based
         on the common financial information needs of users as a group. In the case of an audit of special purpose
         financial statements, those judgments are based on the financial information needs of the intended users.
         2A. Threshold: In the case of special purpose financial statements, management may agree with the intended
         users on a threshold below which misstatements identified during the audit will not be corrected or otherwise
         2B.  Materiality:  The  existence  of  such  a  threshold  does  not  relieve  the  auditor  from  the  requirement  to
         determine materiality in accordance with SA 320 for purposes of planning and performing the audit of the special
         purpose financial statements.
         3A. SA 260: SA 260 (Revised) requires the auditor to determine the appropriate person(s) within the entity’s
         governance  structure  with  whom  to  communicate.  It  notes  that,  in  some  cases,  all  of  those  charged  with
         governance are involved in managing the entity, and the application of the communication requirements is
         modified to recognize this position.
         3B. May not be same: When a complete set of general-purpose financial statements is also prepared by the entity,
         those responsible for the oversight of the preparation of the special purpose financial statements may not be the
         same as those charged with governance responsible for the oversight of the preparation of those general purpose
         financial statements.                                                                                                                                                                         8.3
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