Page 167 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 167

CA Ravi Taori
         4. SA 700: When forming an opinion and reporting on special purpose financial statements, the auditor shall
         apply the requirements in Revised SA 700.

         (CNO SA800.100) Description of the Applicable Financial Reporting Framework
         Financial Statement Disclosure
         1A.  Description  of  FRF:  Revised  SA  700  requires  the  auditor to evaluate whether  the  financial statements
         adequately refer to or describe the applicable financial reporting framework.
         1B. Example: In the case of financial statements prepared in accordance with the provisions of a contract, the
         auditor shall evaluate whether the financial statements adequately describe any significant interpretations of the
         contract on which the financial statements are based.
         Audit Report Disclosure
         2. Additional reporting requirement: Revised SA 700 deals with the form and content of the auditor’s report.
         In the case of an auditor’s report on special purpose financial statements, certain additional requirements apply.
         2A. Description of Purpose and Intended Users: (a) The auditor’s report shall also describe the purpose for
         which the financial statements are prepared and, if necessary, the intended users, or refer to a note in the special
         purpose financial statements that contain that information.
         2B. Choice of FRF: (b) If management has a choice of financial reporting frameworks in the preparation of such
         financial statements, the explanation of management’s responsibility for the financial statements shall also make
         reference to its responsibility for determining that the applicable financial reporting framework is acceptable.
         Alerting  Readers  that  the  Financial  Statements  Are  Prepared  in  Accordance  with  a  Special  Purpose
         Usage other than intended: The special purpose financial statements may be used for purposes other than those
         for which they were intended. For example, a regulator may require certain entities to place the special purpose
         financial statements on public record.
         Alerting Users: To avoid misunderstandings, the auditor alerts users of the auditor’s report that the financial
         statements  are  prepared  in  accordance  with  a  special  purpose  framework.  Therefore,  the  alerted  financial
         statements may not be suitable for another purpose.
         Restriction on Distribution or Use
         Restriction on Distribution: In addition to the alert required as discussed above, the auditor may consider it
         appropriate to indicate that the auditor’s report is intended solely for the specific users.
         Depending on the law or regulation applicable, this may be achieved by restricting the distribution or use of the
         auditor’s report.
         Expansion of Alert Paragraph: In these circumstances, the paragraph alerting the readers may be expanded to
         include these other matters, and the heading modified accordingly.


          (CNO SA- 805.020) Introduction.
         1A. Applicability of SAs 100-700 Series: Standards on Auditing (SAs) in the 100-700 series apply to an audit of
         financial statements and are to be adapted as necessary in the circumstances when applied to audits of other
         historical financial information.
         1B. Applicability of SA 800: The single financial statement or the specific element, account or item of a financial
         statement may be prepared in accordance with a general or special purpose framework. If prepared in accordance
         with a special purpose framework, SA 800 also applies to the audit.
         1C. Applicability of  SA 805: SA 805 deals with special considerations in the application of those SAs to an audit
         of a single financial statement or of a specific element, account or item of a financial statement.SA 805 does not

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