Page 194 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 194

CA Ravi Taori
         2.  Inquiry  about  uncollectible  accounts:  The  practitioner  inquired  with  management  about  possible
         uncollectible accounts receivable that might be impaired.
         3. Possible Outcomes of Management's Response:
         No Material Misstatement: The practitioner may conclude that the accounts receivable balance isn't likely to
         be materially misstated, requiring no further action.
         Material Misstatement  Identified: The practitioner  determines  that  the  financial statements  are  materially
         misstated, with no further procedures needed.
         Insufficient Evidence: The practitioner believes there's a potential misstatement but lacks adequate evidence to
         confirm it.
         If uncertainty remains, the practitioner might request an analysis of post-balance sheet date receipts to identify
         uncollectible accounts.
         4. Evaluation of Additional Procedures:
         Conclusion:  The  results  might  lead  to  either  a  confirmation  that  there's  no  material  misstatement  or  a
         confirmation of a material misstatement.
         Continue additional procedures: If neither conclusion is reached, the practitioner must continue additional
         Scope Limitation: If the practitioner can't determine the accuracy of the accounts receivable balance, a scope
         limitation exists, preventing an unmodified conclusion on the financial statements.
         Subsequent events
         1. Adjusting Event before Report date: If the practitioner becomes aware of events after the financial statement
         date but before the report date that require adjustments or disclosures, they should ask management to correct
         these misstatements.
         2. No Obligation after Report date: The practitioner isn't obligated to perform procedures on the financial
         statements  after  the  report  date.  However,  if  a  significant  fact  emerges  after  the  report  date  but  before  the
         financial statements are issued, actions are required.
         2A. Discussion with Management: The practitioner should discuss any such significant post-report facts with
         management or those charged with governance.
         2B.  Determining  Amendments:  The  practitioner  needs  to  ascertain  if  the  financial  statements  require
         amendments based on the new information.
         2C.  Management's  Intention:  If  amendments  are  necessary,  the  practitioner  should  inquire  about  how
         management plans to address the matter in the financial statements.
         2D. No amendments: If management doesn't make the required amendments and the report has already been
         provided, the practitioner should instruct management and those charged with governance not to release the
         financial statements to third parties. If unamended financial statements are issued, the practitioner must take
         suitable action to prevent reliance on their report.

         (CNO SRE 2400.140) Written Representations
         Importance of Written Representations.
         - Written representations are an important source of evidence in a review engagement.
         - Requesting written, rather than oral, representations may prompt management to consider such matters more
         rigorously, enhancing the quality of the representations.
         - If management modifies or does not provide the requested written representations, it may alert the practitioner
         to possible significant issues.

         WR for Management responsibility.
         -  The  practitioner  shall  request  management  to  provide  a  written  representation  on  the  fulfillment  of  its
         responsibilities in the agreed terms of engagement.
         - This representation shall include:
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