Page 196 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 196

CA Ravi Taori
         In these circumstances, the practitioner considers that the evidence from procedures performed is not sufficient
         and appropriate to form a conclusion on the financial statements.

         Possible Courses of Action:
           The practitioner may:
           • Extend Work: Extend the work performed.
           • Perform Other Procedures: Perform other procedures judged by the practitioner to be necessary in the

         Inability  to  Obtain  Evidence:  Where  neither  of  the  above  is  practicable,  the  practitioner  cannot  obtain
         sufficient evidence to form a conclusion. They are required by this SRE to determine the effect on the report, or
         on their ability to complete the engagement, for instance, if a management member is unavailable to respond to
         inquiries on significant matters.
         Basic Principle- Discussion & Limitation of Scope.
         If the practitioner is not able to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to form a conclusion, the practitioner shall
         discuss with management and those charged with governance, as appropriate. The effects such limitations have
         on the scope of the review.
         Further Explanation of above principle.
         Inability does not constitute a limitation on the scope: Inability to perform a specific procedure does not
         constitute a limitation on the scope of the review if the practitioner is able to obtain sufficient appropriate
         evidence by performing other procedures.
         Management's Imposed Limitations: Limitations on the scope of the review imposed by management may
         have other implications for the review, such as for the practitioner’s consideration of areas where the financial
         statements are likely to be materially misstated, and engagement continuance.

         (CNO SRE 2400.180) Forming the practitioner’s conclusion on the financial statements
         1A. Impact of uncorrected misstatements: In forming a conclusion, the practitioner shall also consider the
         impact of uncorrected misstatements identified during the review, and in the previous year’s review of the entity’s
         financial statements, on the financial statements as a whole.
         1B. Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices: The practitioner shall consider qualitative aspects of the
         entity’s accounting practices, including indicators of possible bias in management’s judgments.
         2A.  Fair  Presentation  Framework  (Overall  view):  If  the  financial  statements  are  prepared  using  a  fair
         presentation framework, the practitioner’s consideration shall also include the overall presentation, structure,
         and content of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable framework.
         2B. Fair Presentation Framework (underlying transactions and events): The practitioner shall assess whether
         the financial statements, including the related notes, appear to represent the underlying transactions and events
         in a manner that achieves fair presentation or gives a true and fair view, as appropriate, in the context of the
         financial statements as a whole.
         3.  Appropriate  form:  The  practitioner’s  conclusion  on  the  financial  statements,  whether  unmodified  or
         modified, shall be expressed in the appropriate form in the context of the financial reporting framework applied
         in the financial statements.
         Unmodified Conclusion:
         Obtained  limited  assurance:  The practitioner shall  express an  unmodified  conclusion  in the  practitioner’s
         report on the financial statements as a whole when the practitioner has obtained limited assurance.

         As per AFRF: The practitioner is able to conclude that nothing has come to the practitioner’s attention that
         causes  the  practitioner  to  believe  that  the  financial  statements  are  not  prepared,  in all  material  respects,  in
         accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.                                                                                                                    10.10
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