Page 197 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 197

CA Ravi Taori
         Wordings of unmodified Conclusion
         When  the  practitioner  expresses  an  unmodified  conclusion,  the  practitioner  shall,  unless  otherwise
         required by law or regulation, use one of the following phrases, as appropriate: -
         For Fair Presentation Framework: “Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
         believe that the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or do not present fairly, in all material
         respects), in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework,” for financial statements prepared
         using a fair presentation framework.
         For Compliance Framework:“Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
         that the financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial
         reporting framework,” for financial statements prepared using a compliance framework.
         Modified Conclusion:
         The practitioner shall express a modified conclusion in the practitioner’s report on the financial statements as a
         whole when:
         Material Misstatement: The practitioner determines, based on the procedures performed and the evidence
         obtained, that the financial statements are materially misstated or
         Inability  to  Obtain  Sufficient  Evidence:  The  practitioner  is  unable  to  obtain  sufficient  and  appropriate
         evidence in relation to one or more items in the financial statements that are material in relation to the financial
         statements as a whole.
         Impact on Report.
         When the practitioner modifies the conclusion expressed on the financial statements, the practitioner shall:
         Heading: Use the heading “Qualified Conclusion,” “Adverse Conclusion,” or “Disclaimer of Conclusion,” as
         appropriate, for the conclusion paragraph in the practitioner’s report and
         Include  Basis  Paragraph:  Provide  a  description  of  the  matter  giving  rise  to  the  modification,  under  an
         appropriate heading (for example, “Basis for Qualified Conclusion,” “Basis for Adverse Conclusion,” or “Basis
         for Disclaimer of Conclusion,” as appropriate) in a separate paragraph in the practitioner’s report immediately
         before the conclusion paragraph (referred to as the basis for conclusion paragraph).
         Types of conclusions when financial statements are materially misstated.
         If the practitioner determines that the financial statements are materially misstated, the practitioner shall express:
         Qualified Conclusion: A qualified conclusion, when the practitioner concludes that the effects of the matter(s)
         giving rise to the modification are material, but not pervasive to the financial statements; or
         Adverse Conclusion: An adverse conclusion, when the effects of the matter(s) giving rise to the modification
         are both material and pervasive to the financial statements.
         Wordings of Qualified Conclusion because of a material misstatement
         When  the  practitioner  expresses  a  qualified  conclusion  on  the  financial  statements  because  of  a  material
         misstatement, the practitioner shall, unless otherwise required by law or regulation, use one of the following
         phrases, as appropriate:

         Phrase for Fair Presentation Framework: “Based on our review, except for the effects of the matter(s) described
         in the Basis for Qualified Conclusion paragraph, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that
         the financial statements do not give a true and fair view (or do not present fairly, in all material respects), in
         accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework,” for financial statements prepared using a fair
         presentation framework.

         Phrase for Compliance Framework: “Based on our review, except for the effects of the matter(s) described in
         the Basis for Qualified Conclusion paragraph, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that
         the financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial
         reporting framework,” for financial statements prepared using a compliance framework.
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