Page 259 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 259

CA Ravi Taori
         RBI guidelines.

         (CNO-BA.080) Audit of Accounts & Appointment of Auditor
         1. Qualification: Sub-section (1) of section 30 of the Banking Regulation Act requires that the balance sheet
         and profit and loss account of a banking company should be audited by a person duly qualified under any
         law for the time being in force to be an auditor of companies.
         2. Authority appointing the Auditors
         State Bank of India: Auditors are appointed by the Comptroller and Auditor General in consultation with the
         Central Government.
         Banking Companies: Auditors are appointed at the annual general meeting of shareholders. (RBI approval
         mandatory before appointment)
         Nationalised  Banks:  Auditors  are  appointed  by  the  bank's  Board  of  Directors.  (RBI  approval  mandatory
         before appointment)
         Regional Rural Banks: Auditors are appointed by the bank with the Central Government's approval.
         3.  Joint  Audit:  Banks appoint multiple  firms  of chartered  accountants as  statutory central  auditors (SCAs)
         based on size and Board decision, following RBI guidelines. For nationalised banks, a statement detailing the
         division of work and responsibilities among joint auditors is decided later.
         4A. Appointment Letter: The appointment letter includes the period of appointment, details of other and
         previous auditors, and procedural requirements for accepting the assignment.
         4B. Letter of acceptance: Auditors must provide a letter of acceptance confirming their details, absence of
         disqualification, audit methodology, and restrictions on other bank assignments.
         5. Special Reports or Certificates: The SCAs' scope includes special reports or certificates in addition to the
         main  report.  For  statutory  branch  auditors  (SBAs),  the  process  is  similar  but  conducted  by  a  single  firm
         without division of work details.

         (CNO-BA.100) Conducting an Audit
         Stage I: Initial Considerations
         Acceptance & Continuance:
         Engagement risk assessment is vital in the audit process. It should be done before accepting an audit, as it
         impacts the decision to accept and the subsequent planning.
         Communication with Previous Auditor:

         Clause (8): Clause (8) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

         Requirement: A chartered accountant must communicate in writing before accepting a position previously
         held by another chartered accountant.

         Declaration of Indebtedness:
         Indebtedness:  before  appointing  their  statutory  central//branch  auditors,  should  obtain  a  declaration  of
         indebtedness i.e., a written confirmation that auditor/firm/partners/f/family members have not been declared
         as wilful defaulters by any bank/financial institution.

         Disqualification  (Companies  Act  2013):  Additional  declaration  under  Section  141  about  absence  of
         disqualifications, including borrowing above a stipulated amount.
         Internal Assignments in Banks by Statutory Auditors:
         RBI Decision: Audit firms shouldn't perform statutory audit if associated with internal assignments in the
         same bank within the year.
         Terms of Audit Engagements:
         SA 210 mandates auditors to agree with the bank on audit terms before significant fieldwork. This agreement,
         typically documented in an engagement letter, clarifies roles and responsibilities, ensuring no confusion.                                                                                      14.3
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