Page 261 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 261

CA Ravi Taori
         should enable evaluation of the bank's evolving risk profile.

         (CNO-BA.140) Stage III: Risk Assessment
         Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatements:
         Risk Identification: SA 315 mandates the auditor to pinpoint and evaluate risks of material misstatement at
         both the financial statement and assertion levels.
         Assess the Risk of Fraud including Money Laundering:
         SA  240:  According  to  SA  240,  the  auditor  aims  to  detect  and  evaluate  risks  of  material  misstatements  in
         financial statements due to fraud and gather adequate audit evidence on identified misstatements. Auditors
         should have an attitude of professional skepticism to recognise potential misstatements resulting from fraud.
         RBI  Guidelines:  The  RBI  has  set  forth  "Know  Your  Customer  Guidelines  –  Anti  Money  Laundering
         Standards"  directing  banks  to  implement  policies  and  procedures  to  both  prevent  and  report  money
         laundering activities.
         Assess Specific Risks:
         Industry Risks: Auditors must pinpoint and evaluate specific risks of material misstatement at the financial
         statement level, especially those pertinent to the banking sector.
         IT Risks: Consideration should also be given to risks associated with the use of IT within the industry.
         Risk Associated with Outsourcing of Activities:
         Outsourcing Benefits: Contemporary banks extensively outsource to cut costs and leverage external expertise.
         Outsourcing Risks: Banks face inherent risks with outsourcing and must adeptly manage them.

         (CNO-BA.160) Stage IV: Execution

         Engagement Team Discussions:
         Understanding: Gain insight into the bank and its environment.
         Internal Control: Evaluate the bank's internal control mechanisms.
         Assessment: Determine the potential for material misstatements in financial statements.
         Response to the Assessed Risks:
         SA 330: SA 330 mandates auditors to address assessed risks of material misstatement at the financial statement
         FST Level: Formulate overall responses based on FST Level assessed risks.
         Assertion Level: Execute audit procedures tailored to the nature, timing, and extent of assessed risks at the
         assertion level.
         Establish the Overall Audit Strategy:
         Overall audit strategy: According to SA 300, the aim is to plan the audit for effective performance. The audit
         engagement partner must set the overall audit strategy before starting the audit.
         Involvement: Engage key team members and relevant specialists in shaping the audit strategy based on the
         audit engagement's characteristics.
         Audit Planning Memorandum:
         The auditor should create an audit planning memorandum to:
         • Outline the scope and details of the audit procedures.
         • Emphasize key issues, risks, and decisions on control reliance.
         • Demonstrate proper audit planning and response to various engagement risks.
         Determine Audit Materiality:
         Relationship: Understand the connection between audit materiality and audit risk.

         Determination:  Audit  materiality  is  based  on  professional  judgment,  bank  knowledge,  engagement  risk
         assessment,  and  financial  statement  reporting  requirements.  Decisions  on  materiality  consider  surrounding
         circumstances and are influenced by the size, nature, or combination of misstatements.                                                                                      14.5
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