Page 275 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 275

CA Ravi Taori
          •  any recovery in respect of an NPA purchased from other banks is first adjusted against its acquisition cost
              and only the recovered amount in excess of the acquisition cost has been recognised as profit.
          •  for the purpose of capital adequacy, banks have assigned 100% risk weights to the NPAs purchased from
              other banks.

         (CNO-BA.420) Fixed Assets

          •  Section  9  of  the  Banking  Regulation  Act,  1949,  prohibits  a  banking  company  from  holding  any
              immovable  property,  howsoever  acquired  (i.e.,  whether  acquired  by  way  of  satisfaction  of  claims  or
              otherwise), for a period exceeding seven years from the date of acquisition, except such as is required for
              its own use.
          •  Audit  Approach:  In  most  of  the  banks,  fixed  assets  are  generally  purchased  by  the  head  office  or
              regional/zonal  offices.  Statutory  branch  auditor  has  to  ascertain  the  procedure  followed  and  plan
              accordingly. In most of the banks, maintenance of records is centralized at head office level. In some of the
              banks,  information  relating  to  purchase,  sale  of  fixed  assets  is  accounted  for  with  help  of  Fixed  asset
              management software. The audit procedures have to be designed accordingly.
          •  Audit Procedures: Fixed assets are not major part of bank’s balance sheet, so we have not covered it’s
              audit procedure given in ICAI module, if question comes by chance, then write answer as per CA Inter

         (CNO-BA.440) Other Assets
         The auditor may carry out the audit of various items appearing under the head ‘other assets’ in the following
         Audit Procedures

         Inter-Office Adjustments
         1. Reconciliation of Inter-branch Accounts: Examine whether Inter-branch accounts are normally reconciled
         at the central level. The auditor should report on the year-end status of inter-branch accounts indicating the
         dates up to which all or any segments of the accounts have been reconciled.
         2. Outstanding Entries in Inter-branch Accounts: The auditor should also indicate the number and amount
         of outstanding entries in the inter branch accounts, giving the relevant information separately for debit and
         credit entries.                                                                                     14.19
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