Page 277 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 277

CA Ravi Taori
         Employee Status: Confirm that the advances relate to employees who are on the bank's rolls as of the date of
         the financial statements.
         Miscellaneous Debit Balances on Government Account
         (Payments  on  behalf  of  government  under  various  schemes→Only  some  designated  branches→  Claim  for
         reimbursements have been lodged→Old outstanding / aging analysis→ Confirmations / Justifications→ If not
         make provisions)

         Claims for Reimbursement: Examine whether claims for reimbursement have been lodged by the branch in
         accordance with the relevant terms and conditions.
         Review Ageing Statements: Review the ageing statements pertaining to these items.
         Recoverability of Old Items: Examine the recoverability of old outstanding items.
         Provision: In case of old outstanding balances without any confirmation or proper justification of the same,
         should be provided for in the accounts. For major variance as compared to the previous year figures, verify
         whether reasons for the same have been recorded and reviewed.

         Verification of Capital & Liabilities
         (CNO-BA.480) Capital
         The auditor may carry out the audit of various items under ‘Share Capital’ in the following manner:
         CRAR & Components of Capital
                 Capital Risk Adequacy Ratio (CRAR)
                  •  The CRAR is computed as follows:

                                                                                      x 100
                  •  The RBI requires banks to maintain a minimum CRAR of 9 per cent on an ongoing basis. The

                      Master Circular on Capital Adequacy contains detailed guidelines on calculation of risk weighted
                      assets and off-balance sheet items for CRAR.
                  •  Eg.  For secured  housing  loans  upto Rs  75  lakh, the  risk  weight,  subject to some  conditions is

                      50%.for those above Rs 75 lakhs, it is 75%, for loans to commercial real estate , it is 100%.Thus for
                      a housing loan of Rs 60 lakh given by the bank, the risk weighted asset will be taken at 60 x 50% =
                      Rs 30 lakhs for the purpose of the denominator in the above formula.
                 Components of Capital:

                    •  The  Master  Circular  on  Capital  Adequacy  discusses  the  Capital  Funds  in  two  categories  –
                        capital funds for Indian banks and capital funds of foreign banks operating in India. In case of
                        foreign banks operating in India, RBI’s Master Circular on Capital Adequacy also lays down

                        certain additional provisions in respect of capital to be followed by such banks.
                    •  Capital  is  divided  into  tiers  according  to  the  characteristics/qualities  of  each  qualifying
                        instrument.  For  supervisory  purposes  capital  is  split  into  two  categories:  Tier  I  and  Tier  II,
                        representing different instruments’ quality as capital

                           o  Tier I capital consists mainly of share capital and disclosed reserves and it is a bank’s
                               highest quality capital because it is fully available to cover losses.
                           o  Tier II capital consists of certain reserves and certain types of subordinated debt. The

                               loss absorption capacity of Tier II capital is lower than that of Tier I capital.
         BASEL III framework
                 Basel III norms relate to the Capital Adequacy requirement compliance which the Bank has to achieve
                 as contained in the BASEL III accord. Basel capital adequacy norms are meant for the protection of
                 depositors  and  shareholders  by  prescriptive  rules  for  measuring  capital  adequacy,  thereby  evolving
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