Page 280 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 280

CA Ravi Taori
                External confirmations received directly by the auditor from appropriate confirming parties may assist
                the  auditor  in  obtaining  audit  evidence  that  the  auditor  requires  to  respond  to  significant  risks  of
                material misstatement. The auditor is required to comply with the requirements of SA 505 “External
                Confirmations”  which  contains  guidance  on  designing  and  performing  external  confirmation
                procedures to obtain relevant and reliable audit evidence.

         (CNO-BA.540) Other Liabilities and Provisions
         Bills Payable
         1. Internal Controls Over Bills Payable
         Evaluate the existence, effectiveness and continuity of internal controls over bills payable. Such controls should
         usually include the following-
           •  Standard Printed Forms: Drafts, mail transfers, traveller’s cheques, etc. should be made out in standard
              printed forms.
           •  Custody of Unused Forms: Unused forms relating to drafts, traveller’s cheques, etc. should be kept under
              the custody of a responsible officer.
           •  Private  Code  Protocol:  The  bank  should  have  a  reliable  private  code  known  only  to  the  responsible
              officers of its branches, coding and decoding of the telegrams should be done only by such officers.
           •  Signature  Verification:  The  signatures  on  a  demand  draft  should  be  checked  by  an  officer  with  the
              specimen signature book.
           •  Confirmation  and  Debit  Advice:  All  the  telegraphic  transfers  and  demand  drafts  issued  by  a  branch
              should  be  immediately  confirmed  by  advices  to  the  branches  concerned.  On  payment  of  these
              instruments, the paying branch should send a debit advice to the originating branch.
         2. Sample Examination of Outstanding Items
         Examine an appropriate sample of outstanding items comprised in bills payable accounts with the relevant
         registers. Reasons  for  old  outstanding debits in respect  of drafts  or other  similar  instruments paid  without
         advice should be ascertained.
         3. Year-end Correspondence with Branches
         Correspondence with other branches after the year-end (e.g., responding advices received from other branches,
         advices received from other branches in respect of drafts issued by the branch and paid by the other branches
         without advice) should be examined specially in so far as large value items outstanding on the balance sheet
         date are concerned.
         Inter-office Adjustments

         The balance in inter-office adjustments account, if in credit, is to be shown under this head.
         Interest Accrued
         Terms Review: Examine the terms associated with various types of deposits and borrowings to ensure accurate
         interest accrual.
         Interest  Segregation:  Specifically  verify  that  accrued  interest  has  not  been  combined  with  the  principal
         amounts under the 'Deposits and Borrowings' head.
         Others (Including Provisions)
         Figure  of  Advances  &  Investments:  It  may  be  noted  that  the  figure  of  advances  and  investments  in  the
         balance sheet of a bank excludes provisions in respect thereof made to the satisfaction of auditors.
         Examine Other Provisions: The auditor should examine other provisions and other items of liabilities in the
         same manner as in the case of other entities.

         (CNO-BA.560) Contingent Liabilities
         The Third Schedule to the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, requires the disclosure of the following as a footnote
         to the balance sheet.
                 Contingent Liabilities
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