Page 276 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 276

CA Ravi Taori
         3.  Discrepancies  and  Source  of  Information:  The  auditor  should  ensure  that  any  discrepancies  found  in
         inter-branch  accounts  have  been  properly  dealt  with  in  the  books.  The  auditor  can  obtain  the  relevant
         information primarily from branch audit reports.
         Tax Paid in Advance/Tax Deducted at Source
         1. Ensure Certificates Collection: Ensure that the certificates for such tax deducted at source is collected by
         the branch and the original copy is sent to the Head Office along with the transfer of such Tax Deducted at
         Source (TDS) amount to Head Office on periodic basis as defined.
         2. TDS Certificates / credits Check: TDS Certificates / credits in the form  26AS and claim of the same in
         Income Tax returns filed should be checked to ensure the justification of the claim towards such certificates.
         3. Tax Returns: At Head Office level, the availability of all the TDS Certificates / credits in the form 26 AS and
         claim  of  the  same  in  Income  Tax  returns  filed  should  be  checked  to  ensure  the  justification  of  the  claim
         towards such certificates.
         Stationery and Stamps
         1.  Exceptional  Stationery  Items:  Ensure  that  the  item “Stationery  and  Stamps”  includes  only  exceptional
         items of expenditure on stationery like bulk purchase of security paper which is to be written off over a period
         of time. Such items should be valued at cost. Normal expenditure on stationery is charged to profit & loss
         account. Therefore, this item may not appear at branch level as considerable part of stationery is supplied to
         branches by head office.
         2. Internal Controls Evaluation: Evaluate the existence, effectiveness and continuity of internal controls over
         these items in the normal course of audit. It may be noted that the branch auditor is required to specifically
         comment on the adequacy of the relevant internal controls in the LFAR.
         3. Physical Verification of Stationery: Physically verify the stationery and stamps on hand as at the year-end,
         especially stationery of security items. Any shortage should be inquired into as it could expose the bank to a
         potential loss from misuse.
         4. Cost Examination for P&L: Examine whether the cost of stationery and stamps consumed during the year
         has  been  properly  charged  to  the  profit  and  loss  account  for  the  year  in  the  context  of  the  accounting
         policy/instructions from the head office regarding treatment of cost of stationery and stamps.
         Non-Banking Assets Acquired in Satisfaction of Claims
         1. Meaning: Ensure that the heading includes those immovable properties/tangible assets which the bank has
         acquired  in  satisfaction  of  debts  due  or  its  other  claims  and  these  are  being  held  with  intention  of  being
         disposed off.
         2. Documentary Evidence: Verify such assets with reference to the relevant documentary evidence, e.g., terms
         of settlement with the party, order of the Court or the award of arbitration, etc.
         3. Ownership and Disputes: Check that the ownership of the property is legally vested with the bank. If there
         is any dispute or other claim about the property, the auditor should examine whether the recording of the asset
         is appropriate or not. In case the dispute arises subsequently, the auditor should examine whether a provision
         for liability or disclosure of a contingent liability is appropriate, keeping in view the requirements of AS 29
         "Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets".
         4.  Compliance  and  Holding  Period:  Ensure  compliance  with  Section  9  of  Banking  Regulation  Act,  on
         holding period of such assets. Ensure that as at date of acquisition, the assets should be recorded at lower of net
         book value of advance or net realisable value of asset acquired.

         (CNO-BA.460) Others
         Audit Approach and Procedures
         Non-Interest-Bearing Staff Advances
         Policy & Documentation: Examine non-interest-bearing staff advances in relation to the bank's policy and
         relevant  documentation.  Assess  the  availability,  enforceability,  and  valuation  of  any  security  tied  to  the
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