Page 368 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 368

CA Ravi Taori

         1B. Sets Up Office: Setting up an establishment offering to perform accounting services is deemed to be in
         practice, even without serving any clients.
         1C.  Offers  Services:  A  member  is  deemed  to  be  in  practice  not  only  when  they  are  actively  engaged  in
         accountancy but also when they offer to provide accounting services, regardless of whether they actually do so.
         2A. Engages in Accountancy Work: Engages himself in the practice of accountancy.
         2B. Accounting Work: Renders professional services or assistance regarding accounting procedures. Assists in
         matters  related  to  the  recording,  presentation,  or  certification  of  financial  facts  or  data.  Covers  matters  of
         principle or detail in accounting.
         2C. Auditing Work: offers to perform or performs service involving the auditing or verification of financial
         transactions, books, accounts or records, or the preparation, verification or certification of financial accounting
         and related statements.
         3A. Council Can Prescribe Additional Services: Sec 2(2)(iv) gives power to ICAI to Provide additional services
         as determined by the Council, which are within the scope of a Chartered Accountant in practice. (Till Date ICAI
         has prescribed 2 things under this 1. Regulation 191 & 2. Management Consultancy Services)
         3B. Regulation 191: Pursuant to Section 2(2)(iv) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, read with Regulation
         191  of Chartered  Accountants  Regulations,  1988  a  member  shall be  deemed  to  be  in practice  if  he,  in  his
         professional capacity and neither in his personal capacity nor in his capacity as an employee, acts as a liquidator,
         trustee, executor, administrator, arbitrator, receiver, adviser or representative for costing, financial or taxation
         matters or takes up an appointment made by the Central Government or a State Government or a court of law
         or any other legal authority or acts as a Secretary unless his employment is on a salary-cum-full-time basis.
         3C. Significance of List of Council Prescribed Services: This list determines the eligibility of other services
         that can be rendered by a Chartered Accountant in practice.
         4A. Deemed For Limited Purpose: An associate or a fellow of the Institute who is a salaried employee of a
         Chartered Accountant in practice or a firm of such Chartered Accountants or firm consisting of one or more
         chartered  accountants  and  members  of  any  other  professional  body  having  prescribed  qualifications  shall,
         notwithstanding such employment, be  deemed to be in practice  for the limited purpose  of  the  training of
         Articled Assistants”
         4B. Military Service: A member of the Institute is considered to be in practice during the period they render
         'service with armed forces'.

         (CNO-PE.780) Management Consultancy & Other Service (MCOS)
         Resolution Approval: The Council has approved a resolution according to Section 2(2)(iv).
         Management Consultancy and Other Services: This resolution allows a practicing Chartered Accountant to
         provide a broad range of services related to "Management Consultancy and other Services".
         Exclusions: The services do not include statutory or periodic audits, representation or advice on tax (both direct
         and indirect taxes) matters, or acting in roles such as liquidator, trustee, executor, administrator, arbitrator, or
         Inclusions: The definition of "Management Consultancy and other Services" includes certain services, which
         are specified in below text.

         (CNO-PE.790) Detailed List of MCOS
         (In-Corporation Related)
         ##Project Reports: Experience in preparing project reports and conducting feasibility studies.
         (Post Incorporation Fund Raising)
         ##Capital Management: Expertise in capital structure planning and providing advice on raising finance.
         Issue Related Work: Issue Advisory, Documentation, Publicity Planning, Agency Selection, Post-Issue Activities
         Registrar Services: Acting as registrar to an issue and for transfer of shares/other securities, in compliance with
         the relevant provisions of the Code of Ethics                                                                                            19.12
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