Page 367 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 367

CA Ravi Taori

         3. Case Law: The Court of Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate found the accused guilty under Section 24(i)(a)
         & (b) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, and Section 465 (False documents) of the Indian Penal Code in
         the case of Prem Batra. The accused was fined, and in case of failure to pay the fine, sentenced to rigorous
         imprisonment for three months.

         (CNO-PE.700) Significance of COP. (Sec 6)
         Practicing CA: A practicing Chartered Accountant is a member of the Institute, holding a Certificate of Practice.
         This includes members deemed to be in practice under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
         COP Mandatory: No member is allowed to practice, in India or elsewhere, without obtaining a certificate of
         practice from the Council. This rule does not apply to those who were practicing as registered accountants or
         holders of a restricted certificate before the Act's commencement.
         CA not in Practice: Members not in practice cannot accept engagements to render services typically provided
         by a Chartered Accountant, even if they possess the necessary qualifications.
         CA Act & Regulation: Once a person becomes a member of the Institute, they are bound by the Chartered
         Accountants  Act and its Regulations. They  can  only  appear before  the  Income-tax Tribunal as a  Chartered
         Accountant in Practice.
         Single  Capacity:  A  member  of  the  Institute  cannot  practice  in  any  other  capacity  separate  from  their
         membership in the Institute.
         Misconduct Consequences: A Chartered Accountant removed from membership due to professional or other
         misconduct cannot appear before tax authorities or other bodies in their capacity as a member of the Institute
         during the removal period.
         Annual Fee: Members must pay an annual fee for their certificate, determined by the Council, due on or before
         April 1st each year.
         Cancellation: The Council can cancel the certificate of practice under certain circumstances.

         (CNO-PE.740) Cancellation and Restoration of Certificate of Practice
         1A. Cancellation: Regulation 10 states that a Certificate of Practice (COP) can be cancelled if the holder's name
         is removed from the Register, the certificate was issued based on false information, the member has ceased to
         practice, or the annual fee is not paid by September 30th of the relevant year.
         1B. Surrender: Upon cancellation of the COP, the holder must surrender it to the Secretary.
         2A. Restoration: According to Regulation 11, a cancelled COP can be restored.
         2B. Application: Restoration requires an application in the approved form, along with the payment of a fee.
         2C. Restoration from same date: The Council may restore the COP, effective from the cancellation date, for a
         member whose certificate was cancelled due to non-payment of the annual fee. This applies if the complete
         application and fee are received before the relevant year ends.

         (CNO-PE.760) Members - deemed to be in Practice
         Membership Classes: There are two categories of members - those in practice and those in other occupations
         (Not in Practice).
         Definition of "In Practice": It includes CA’s who are having COP or they are deemed to be in practice under
         Sec 2(2) of CA Act
         Members Deemed to be in Practice: “A member of the Institute shall be deemed “to be in practice” when
         individually or in partnership with Chartered Accountants in practice, or in partnership with members of such
         other  recognised  professions  as  may  be  prescribed,  he,  in  consideration  of  remuneration  received  or  to  be
         received, performs below given list of activities.

         List of Activities
         1A. Presents as Public Accountant: Presents himself as an accountant to the public.

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