Page 363 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 363

CA Ravi Taori

         (CNO-PE.420) Safeguards: (Shortcut: In Sequence of Easy to Difficult)
         (TR AP karo threats)
         Separate Teams: Separating teams when dealing with confidential matters to address self-interest threats.
         Resourcing: Assigning additional time and qualified personnel to tasks when an engagement is accepted to
         address self-interest threats.
         Review: Having an appropriate reviewer, not part of the team, review the work or provide advice to address self-
         review threats.
         Another Firm: Involving another firm to perform or re-perform part of the engagement to address self-interest,
         self-review, advocacy, familiarity, or intimidation threats.
         Partners of Non-Assurance Services: Using different partners and teams with separate reporting lines for non-
         assurance services to an assurance client to address self-review, advocacy, or familiarity threats.

         (CNO-PE.440) Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations (NOCLAR)
         Non-compliance Definition: Non-compliance refers to actions or inactions, intentional or unintentional, that
         contravene current laws or regulations.
         Professional  Responsibility:  Professional  accountants  may  encounter  non-compliance  with  laws  and
         regulations (NOCLAR) while providing services to a client or carrying out activities for an employer. These
         instances can be actual or suspected. (If explain what are responsibilities in such circumstances)
         Perpetrators: Non-compliance can be committed by the client, the accountant's employing organization, or
         TCWG, Management, Employee of Client/Employing Organisation.
         Personal Misconduct: The Revised Code of Ethics does not address personal misconduct unrelated to business
         activities, nor non-compliance by parties not specifically mentioned in the NOCLAR definition.
         As per IESBA, following examples would be covered in NOCLAR: - (Shortcut: ask SBi under FM DEPT)
             ▪  Securities markets and trading
             ▪  Banking and other financial products and service
             ▪  Fraud, corruption and bribery
             ▪  Money laundering, terrorist financing and proceeds of crime
             ▪  Data protection
             ▪  Environmental protection
             ▪  Public health and safety
             ▪  Tax and pension liabilities and payments
         Objective of NOCLAR
         No Ignorance: The NOCLAR framework ensures that professional accountants cannot ignore  suspected or
         Actual non-compliance.
         Awareness: The NOCLAR framework enhances the awareness and understanding of professional accountants
         regarding their legal and regulatory obligations when encountering NOCLAR.
         TCWG  &  Management  Role:  It  emphasizes  the  responsibilities  of  management  and  those  in  charge  of
         governance to prevent, detect & Correct non-compliance.

         (CNO-PE.460) Some important facts about NOCLAR are given below:

         Not responsible for Compliance or Investigation: The accountant is not required to investigate or ensure
         complete compliance. NOCLAR applies when a professional accountant encounters or is made aware of non-
         compliance or suspected non-compliance while providing a professional service.
         Expertise  (No  Extreme):  Accountants  are  expected  to  apply  their  knowledge  and  expertise,  and  exercise
         professional judgment. They are not expected to have a greater understanding of laws and regulations than what
         is required for the engagement. Determining non-compliance is a matter for courts or other adjudicative bodies.
         Exclusions (Non Applicability): NOCLAR does not cover matters that are clearly inconsequential or related to
         personal misconduct in the client's business activities.                                                                                            19.7
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