Page 364 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 364

CA Ravi Taori

         No Disclosure: According to the IESBA Code, accountants are not required to disclose matters to an authority
         if such disclosure would be contrary to law or regulation.

         (CNO-PE.480) Applicability of NOCLAR in India:
         NOCLAR-Service (Section 260): This applies to Senior Professional Accountants in service, who are employees
         of listed entities. These individuals are directors, officers, or senior employees who can significantly influence
         and make decisions about the organization's resources. They are also referred to as key managerial personnel.
         NOCLAR-Practice  (Section  360):  This  applies  to  audit  engagements  of  entities  listed  on  recognized  stock
         exchanges in India and have a net worth of 250 crores of rupees or more. An "Audit" or "Audit engagement" is
         a reasonable assurance engagement where a professional accountant in public practice expresses an opinion on
         whether financial statements give a true and fair view in accordance with an applicable financial reporting

         (CNO-PE.500) NOCLAR vs. SA 250
         Applicability: SA 250 is applicable only to audits, whereas NOCLAR applies to professional accountants both
         in service and in practice.
         Laws Covered: SA 250 outlines the auditor's responsibilities for laws directly affecting the determination of
         material amounts and disclosures in financial statements (e.g., tax and  labour laws). It also covers laws and
         regulations that, while not directly affecting financial statement amounts and disclosures, are fundamental to
         business operations. NOCLAR extends beyond this by considering non-compliance that could cause substantial
         harm with serious financial or non-financial consequences.
         Stakeholder  Definition:  Unlike  SA  250,  NOCLAR  defines  the  impact  of  non-compliance  on  various
         stakeholders, including investors, creditors, employees, and the general public.
         Exceptional  Circumstances  and  Disclosure:  NOCLAR  stipulates  that  in  exceptional  circumstances,  if  a
         professional accountant becomes aware of an imminent breach of law or regulation that could cause substantial
         harm, they should first consider discussing the matter with management or those charged  with governance.
         They should then exercise professional judgment to determine whether to disclose the matter immediately to an
         appropriate authority to prevent or mitigate the consequences. Such disclosure is permitted under NOCLAR, a
         provision not present in SA 250.

         (CNO-PE.520) Responding to NOCLAR
         In case of Employment
              • Responsibility of Senior Professional Accountant in Service
              • Responsibilities of Professional Accountant other than Senior Professional Accountant
         In case of Audit Engagement
              • Responsibilities of Professional Accountant
         Steps to be taken for responding.
            1. Obtaining understanding of the matter (Nature/ Consequences etc)
            2. Addressing the matter (Discuss with immediate superior/ communicate to TCWG / Ensure Compliance
            3. Determine whether further action is needed (Informing Management of Parent Entity / Resigning etc)
            4. Seeking Advice (Consulting Internally or Law Firms or ICAI)
            5. Determining whether to disclose the matter to appropriate Authority (RBI/SEBI etc)
            6. Imminent Breach (Causing Substantial harm) immediate communication to Appropriate Authority
            7. Documentation (matter/Discussion/Action etc)
         Authority: The authority to which an auditor discloses information depends on the nature of the matter.
         SEBI:  In  cases  of  fraudulent  financial  reporting,  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Board  of  India  (SEBI)  is  the
         appropriate authority
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