Page 51 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 51

CA Ravi Taori
          have weak internal control systems, thereby amplifying the auditor's responsibilities.

          (CNO-APSE.300) Drawing up the audit programme:
          Collect Information: The auditor collects necessary information.
          Decide Scope: The auditor decides on the areas to be audited, including those to be detailed and those for test
          Select Audit Procedures: The auditor determines the specific audit procedures for each case, which vary based
          on the company's operations, organization, business nature, and account conditions.
          Adjust Programme: It's impractical to create a typical audit program due to these variations.
          Stages: For first-time audits, the program should be developed in three stages:
           • Outline: Draw a broad outline of the audit program.
           • Review: Review internal and accounting procedures, filling in details based on deficiencies in the internal
            control system.
           • Special Audit Procedures: After detailed checking, determine the extent of special procedures required,
            such  as  independent  verification  of  balances,  physical  inspection  of  assets,  and  testing  inventory  values.
            Special  procedures  may  be  necessary  based  on  the  nature  of  the  business,  such  as  verifying  tax  liability
            provisions for a shipping company or unexpired liability for an insurance company.
          Audit Programs for Subsequent Engagements
          Shortcut: FAST & Efficient
          On  Each  Subsequent  engagement,  the  programme  should  be  reviewed and,  if  necessary,  modified  on
          account of:
          Financial Fluctuations: Reconsideration required with extraordinary increases in book debts or stock values
          compared to the previous year.
          Revisit  the  Audit  plan:  Continually  revisit  the  audit  plan  based  on  internal  control  reviews,  preliminary
          evaluations, and the results of compliance and substantive procedures.
          Suspicions: Address suspicions or information about company assets being misappropriated.
          Turnover  &  Organization  Changes:  Modify  the  program  due  to  substantial  increase  in  turnover,  or
          significant  changes  in  accounting  organization,  procedures,  or  personnel  after  the  audit  procedures  were
          Internal  Control  Efficiency:  Adjustments  needed  if  internal  control  procedures  are  discovered  to  be  less
          effective than initially assumed.

          Audit Execution
          (CNO-APSE.320) Key Phases in the Audit Execution
          Key  phases  in the  audit  execution  stage  are  Execution  Planning,  Risk  and  Control  Evaluation,  Testing  and
           • Execution Planning
           • Risk and Control Evaluation,
           • Testing
           • Reporting

          (CNO-APSE.340) Execution Planning
          Efficiency and Effectiveness: To ensure timely and high-quality audit results, auditors should establish a clear
          execution plan and meticulously organize their work for effective and efficient completion.
          Preliminary  Survey:  Conduct  a  preliminary  survey  to  gather  additional  information  about  the  area  being
          audited for effective planning.
          Develop  Audit  Program:  Develop  a  comprehensive  audit  program  outlining  the  objectives,  scope,  and
          approach of the audit.

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