Page 53 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 53

CA Ravi Taori
          determine how the other auditor's work will affect the audit. Further auditor's report should explicitly state the
          reliance on such work.
          2C. SA 600 Purpose: The purpose of SA 600 (Using the work of another auditor) is to establish standards for
          situations  where  the  principal  auditor  uses  the  work  of  another  auditor  with  respect  to  the  financial
          information  of  one  or more  components  included  in  the  entity's  financial  information.  This  standard  also
          discusses the principal auditor's responsibility in relation to their use of the other auditor's work.
          3. SA 600 Exclusions: SA 600 does not deal with instances where two or more auditors are appointed as joint
          auditors, nor does it deal with the auditor’s relationship with a predecessor auditor.

          (CNO-SA600.040) Acceptance as Principal Auditor
          The Auditor would consider the following before accepting his work as principal auditor:
          1.  Materiality  of  Portion  Audited  by  Principal  Auditor:  the  materiality  of  the  portion  of  the  financial
          information which the principal auditor audits.
          2A. Degree of Knowledge of Components Business: the principal auditor's degree of knowledge regarding
          the business of the components
          2B.  Additional  Procedures:  the  performance  of  additional  procedures  as  set  out  in  this  SA  regarding  the
          components audited by other auditor(s) resulting in the principal auditor having significant participation in
          such audit.
          2C. Risk of Material Misstatement: the risk of material misstatements in the financial information of the
          components audited by the other auditors.

          (CNO-SA600.060) The Principal Auditor’s Procedures
          Procedures to be performed by principal auditor when using the work of other auditor
          1A.  Reliance:  Normally,  the  principal  auditor  can  rely  on  the  work  of  another  appointed  auditor  for  the
          1B. Advocacy : Ensure the work of the other auditor provides sufficient appropriate audit evidence.
          2A. Coordination: Advise the other auditor on the use of their work, ensuring coordination during the audit
          planning stage.
          2B. Significant Requirements: Notify the other auditor about significant accounting, auditing, and reporting
          requirements and confirm their compliance.
          2C.  Special  Considerations:  Communicate  specific  areas  needing  special  attention  and  procedures  for
          identifying inter-component transactions.
          3. Timetable: Inform the other auditor about the expected timetable for audit completion.
          Principal auditor to review – written summary of other auditor’s procedures (Additional Procedures)
          1A. Discussion: The principal auditor might discuss with the other auditor the audit procedures applied.
          1B.  Review  Written  Summary:  review  a  written  summary  of  the  other  auditor’s  procedures  and  findings
          which may be in the form of a completed questionnaire or checklist.
          1C. Visit: The principal auditor may also wish to visit the other auditor.
          2A.  Determining  NTE:  Determining  the  nature,  timing,  and  extent  of  procedures  based  on  the  specific
          circumstances of the engagement and the materiality aspect.
          2B. Competence: Only if he is not member of ICAI .Considering the professional competence of the other
          auditor when determining the nature, timing, and extent of procedures. This knowledge may be enhanced by
          reviewing the previous audit work of the other auditor.
          The principal auditor should consider the significant findings of the other auditor.
          Significant Findings: Consider significant findings of the other auditor.
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