Page 58 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 58

CA Ravi Taori
          internal  audit  function  and  the  extent  of  its  work  used  for  the  audit.  (At  least  some  work  should  be

                                                Taking Direct Assistance

          (CNO-SA610.140)  Step  1:  -  Determining  Whether  Internal  Auditors  Can  Be  Used  To  Provide  Direct
          Assistance For Purposes Of The Audit

          Situation 1: - The external auditor prohibited from obtaining direct assistance from internal auditors
          In case where the external auditor is prohibited by law or regulation from using internal auditors to provide
          direct assistance, it is relevant for the principal auditors to consider whether the prohibition also extends to
          component auditors.
          and, if so, to address this in the communication to the component auditors.
          Situation 2: - Using internal auditors to provide direct assistance is not prohibited
          1.Level of Competence & Objectivity: The external auditor should evaluate the existence and significance of
          threats to the objectivity and competence of internal auditors.
          2A. Objectivity: Objectivity refers to the ability to perform work without bias, conflict of interest, or undue
          influence from others.
          2B. Interests and Relationships: The external auditor should inquire about the interests and relationships of
          the internal auditors that may create a threat to their objectivity.
          2C. In evaluating the existence and significance of threats to the objectivity of an internal auditor, the
          following factors may be relevant:
          Shortcut: ROSA
          Relationships: Any family or personal relationships with an individual who works in or holds responsibility
          for the specific area of the organization that the auditor is examining.
          Organizational Status & Policies: The degree to which the internal audit function's organizational status and
          applicable policies and procedures uphold the objectivity of the internal auditors.
          Significant  Financial  Interests:  Any  significant  financial  interests  in  the  organization,  apart  from  regular
          compensation that is consistent with what other employees at a similar level of seniority receive.
          Association: Any association with the division or department within the organization that is relevant to the
          auditor's work.

          The external auditor shall not use an internal auditor to provide direct assistance if:
          Level of Competence: The internal auditor lacks sufficient competence to perform the proposed work. As the
          function of Internal Auditor is again a concept of evaluation of Internal Control mechanism, it would amount
          to  weaknesses  in  Internal  Control  System  in  case  internal  auditor  does  not  apply  required  test  procedures
          considering the Materiality aspects. This would in turn result in Higher Audit Risks.
          Objectivity: There are significant threats to the objectivity of the internal auditor.

          Step  2:  -  Determining  the  Nature  and  Extent  of  Work  that  Can  Be  Assigned  to  Internal  Auditors
          Providing Direct Assistance:
          Determining Work to be assigned for Internal Auditors
          1. Criteria: External auditor considerations include:
             1A. Judgment: In both planning and performing audit procedures, and in evaluating audit evidence.
             1B. Risk: Assessed risk of material misstatement.
             1C.  Level  of  Competence  &  Objectivity:  Existence  and  significance  of  threats  to  objectivity  and
           competence of internal auditors.
          2. Restrictions: External auditors shouldn't use internal auditors for:
             2A. Significant Judgments: Tasks involving major audit decisions.
             2B.  High Risks: Tasks with high assessed risks where more than limited judgment is necessary.
             2C.  Prior  Involvement:  Tasks  that  the  internal  auditors  have  reported  or  will  report  to  management  or
           governance bodies.

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