Page 103 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 103

CA Ravi Taori
         Definition: The process of verifying the mathematical accuracy of documents or records.
         Methods: Recalculation can be performed either manually or electronically.
         Definition: Reperformance involves the auditor’s independent execution of procedures or controls that were
         originally performed as part of the entity’s. internal control
         Analytical Procedures
         Definition: The process of evaluating financial information through the study of plausible relationships among
         both financial and non-financial data. This includes investigating identified fluctuations and relationships that
         are inconsistent with other relevant information or significantly deviate from expected amounts.
         External Confirmation
         Definition: Audit evidence obtained directly from a third party through a written response.
         Medium: The confirmation can be in paper form, or via electronic or other mediums.

         (CNO-SA500.040) Inspection & Inquiry in Detail Evidence
         Definition  Involves  examining  records  and  documents  whether  internal  or  external.  In  paper/electronic
         form/other media or physical examination of asset
         Degree of Reliability: Depends on Reliability of records or documents:
         •  Source
         •  Original vs Duplicate
         •  Directly Received
         Example of Use in TOC: Inspection of records to check evidence of authorisation (signature)
         Example of Use in TOD:
         •  Inspect tangible assets gives evidence about existence but may not cover valuation & ownership.
         •  Inspection of financial instruments gives evidence of existence.
         •  Inspection of sales contract gives evidence about implementation of accounting policy, which affects many
         Inquiry (Shortcut: DMRI)
         Definition: Inquiry involves seeking information from knowledgeable individuals, both within and outside
         the entity, covering financial and nonfinancial data.
         Method: Inquiry, which can be formal written or informal oral, is used extensively throughout the audit in
         conjunction with other audit procedures.
         Responses: Evaluating responses to inquiries is crucial, as they may provide new information, corroborative
         audit evidence, or differing (Contradictory) information that may necessitate additional audit procedures.
         Evidence about management’s Intent:
          •  Use Inquiry
          •  Corroborate responses by-
             o Past history of carrying out stated information
             o Current reasons for choosing course of action.
             o Future ability to pursue specific course of action.
          •  May Obtain Written Representation

         (CNO-SA500.060) Sufficiency and Appropriateness of Audit Evidence
         Interrelation: The sufficiency and appropriateness of audit evidence are interconnected.
         Quality Impact: High-quality audit evidence reduces the quantity required.
         Increase of Quantity: Increasing the amount of audit evidence cannot compensate for its poor quality.
         Sufficiency & Factors Affecting Sufficiency
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