Page 102 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 102

CA Ravi Taori

                05                          AUDIT EVIDENCE

         Case Study – CA. Kartik
         Efficiency: CA. Kartik values efficiency and avoids wasting time on unnecessary tasks. He strives for perfection
         and cost-effectiveness in his professional work as an auditor.
         Audit Approach: Kartik uses his judgment to select specific items for "tests of details". For instance, he verifies
         sales transactions and fresh additions to "Property, Plant and Equipment" above a certain threshold.
         Suspicious Transactions: Kartik grows suspicious of sales transactions aggregating to a large sum at the end of
         the year, specifically those lacking proper documentation, and decides on an external confirmation request.
         Related  Party  Transactions:  He  also  decides  to  investigate  all  related  party  transactions  for  any  material
         Litigation  Claims:  Kartik  considers  litigation  claims  as  a  misstatement  prone  area  and  includes  them  in
         detailed examination.
         Selective Examination: This testing approach, while efficient, does not constitute audit sampling. The results
         of tests conducted on selected items cannot be projected onto the entire population.
         Non-Sampling  Risk:  This  approach  is  subject  to  non-sampling  risk  -  the  risk  of  the  auditor  reaching  an
         incorrect conclusion due to inappropriate audit procedures or misinterpretation of audit evidence.
         Audit Sampling: In contrast, audit sampling refers to the application of audit procedures to less than 100% of
         items within a population, with all items having an equal chance of selection.
         Sampling Risk: Audit sampling is subject to sampling risk - the risk that the auditor's conclusion based on a
         sample may differ from the conclusion if the entire population were subjected to the same audit procedure.

                                                        SA 500

                                                    AUDIT EVIDENCE

         (CNO-SA500.020) Methods of Obtaining Audit Evidence
         Definition: Auditors look at procedures being performed, such as inventory counting or control activities, to
         gather audit evidence.
         Restricted  to  the  specific  moment:  The  evidence  obtained  from  observation  is  restricted  to  the  specific
         moment the process is observed.
         Observer Effect: The act of observation may influence how the procedure is conducted. Despite its limitations,
         observation is a crucial method for collecting audit evidence.
         Document examination: The process of examining records or documents, which can be internal or external.
         These documents can be in paper form, electronic form, or other media.
         Asset Examination: Inspection can also involve a physical examination of an asset.
         Definition: The process of seeking information from knowledgeable individuals. Inquiry is a key method used
         extensively throughout the audit, complementing other audit procedures.
         Sources:  These  individuals  can  be  within  or  outside  the  entity  and  can  provide  both  financial  and  non-
         financial information.
         Recalculation                                                                                      5.1
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