Page 10 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 10

All the above receipts are exclusive of GST. Compute the value of taxable supplies under GST laws for
        the month of February, 20XX.        [CA Inter Jan 21 Exam]

                 Particulars               ₹                     Reason

         Services relating to rearing     Nil      Exempt  since  services  relating  to  rearing  of  all  life  forms  of
         of sheeps                                 animals, except horses, for food etc. are exempt.

         Services of artificial         4,00,000    Not exempt, since artificial insemination of livestock other than
         insemination of horses                    horses are exempt.
                                       8,00,000    Not exempt, since processes which lter essential characteristics
         Processing of sugarcane
                                                   of agricultural produce are not exempt & processing of sugarcane
         into jaggery
                                                   into jaggery changes essential characteristics of sugarcane.
         Milling of paddy into rice    7,50,000    Not exempt, as this process, being carried out after cultivation is
                                                   over, is not an intermediate production process for cultivation of
                                                   plants & it also changes essential characteristics of paddy.

         Fumigation in a warehouse  1,80,000       Not exempt, Services by way of fumigation in a warehouse of
         of agricultural produce                   agricultural produce are taxable.
         Value of taxable supplies    21,30,000

         Authors Note:
         Services of Fumigation in a warehouse of agricultural produce was exempt earlier, but now the exemption
         has withdrawn

        'Seed Farmers Association' is engaged in providing services relating to agriculture. It furnishes the
        following details with respect to activities undertaken by them in month of May, 20XX.
        S.No.                           Particulars                                                             ₹

           1     Cultivation of ornamental flowers                                                            42,000
           2     Packing of tomato ketchup                                                                   54,000
           3     Warehousing of potato chips and Biscuit                                                    1,65,000
           4     Sale of tea & rice on commission basis (tea 18000 & rice 50000)                            68,000

           5     Packaging of pulses in retail packs                                                         45,000
           6    Training of farmers on use of scientific tools, Agro-machinery and use of new                 10,000
                pesticides and fertilizers developed through Scientific research
           7    Leasing of vacant land to a study farm (rearing of horses)                                  1,63,000

           8     Grading of wheat according to its quality                                                   42,000
           9     Testing of samples from plants for pest detection                                          1,21,000
          10     Rearing of silk worms                                                                       83,500
           11   Supply of farm labour                                                                        58,000

           12    Renting of Agro-machinery                                                                 5,00,000
           13   Processing of Tomato ketchup and Potato Chips                                              3,00,000
           14    Warehousing of minor forest produce                                                        1,70,000
          15    Warehousing of seasonal vegetables, fruits, cereals and pulses                              50,000

    118     CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy
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