Page 3 - Chapter 10 Registration
P. 3

G                                                     Registration

                                                                              Chapter 10


                                                       S.N.   Description                                        Pg.No. No. Illus.
                                                        1    General Questions                                     228       1
                                                        2    Sec 22- Threshold limit for regustration              228       9
                                                        3    Sec 23- Person not liable to registration             234       4

                                                        4    Sec 24- Compulsory registration                       236       4
                                                        5    Sec 25- Procedure for registration                    237       7
                                                        6    Sec 27- Special provisions relating to casual taxable  239      5
                                                             person and non-resident taxable person

                                                        7    Sec 28 - Amendment of Registration                    240       1

                                                        8    Sec 29- Cancellation of Registration                  241       4
                                                        9    Combine Questions                                     242       4
                                                             Total No. of Illustration                                       39

                                      S.No. Description            Chap.                   Concept and Problem code                     No. Illus.
                                       1    ICAI Material          10.   01.01/ 02.02/ 02.03/ 02.05/ 02.06/ 02.07/ 03.11 / 03.12/ 04.16 / 08.32  10
                                       2    Examination             10.  02.09 / 02.09.01/09.37/ 08.38                                     4

                                       3    RTP & MTP              10.   04.17 / 06.29 / 08.36                                             3
                                       4    Other                  10.   02.04 / 02.08/ 03.10/ 03.13/ 04.14 / 04.15/ 05.18 / 05.19 / 05.20 / 05.21/ 05.22 /
                                                                         05.23 / 05.24 / 06.25/ 06.26 / 06.27 / 06.28/ 07.30 / 08.31 / 08.33 / 08.34/ 09.35     22

                                            Total No. of Illusttrations                                                                   39

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          227
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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