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(ii) all exempt supplies (which includes wholly exempt, Nil rated & Non-taxable   being a non-taxable supply, is an exempt supply and is, therefore, includible while
                  supply ),                                                                  computing the aggregate turnover.
              (iii) exports of goods and/or services and                                  2.  Services  by  way  of  extending  deposits,  loans  or  advances  in  so  far  as  the
              (iv) all inter-State supplies of persons having the same PAN.                  consideration is represented by way of interest or discount (other than interest
           The above is computed on all India basis. Further, the aggregate turnover excludes   involved in credit card services) is exempt vide Notification No. 12/2017 CT (R)

           Central tax, State tax, Union territory tax, Integrated tax and cess. Moreover, the value   dated 28.06.2017. Thus, interest received from banks on the fixed deposits is an
           of inward supplies on which tax is payable under reverse charge is not taken into   exempt supply and is, therefore, includible while computing the aggregate turnover.
           account for calculation of 'aggregate turnover'.                               Conclusion:-In  the  given  case,  Since  Rishabh  Enterprises  was  not  liable  to  be
                  In the given question, since Rishabh Enterprises is engaged in making taxable  registered in the month of February since its aggregate turnover did not exceed ` 20
           supplies from Maharashtra which is not a specified Special Category State, the   lakh in that month. However, since its aggregate turnover exceeds ` 20 lakh in the

           threshold limit for obtaining registration is ` 20 lakh.                       month of March, it should apply for registration within 30 days  from the date on
           Supply of alcoholic liquor are non-taxable supplies in terms of section 9(1) of CGST
   CH 10                                                                                  which it becomes liable to registration.
           Act, 2017.
                                                                                                  Further as per sec 23, he is not liable to be registered in Uttarakhand since he
         Registration  Enterprises is computed as under                                   Author Note:- Above answer is given as per ICAI material, but according to author
           In the light of the afore-mentioned provisions, the aggregate turnover of Rishabh
                                                                                          is not making any taxable supply from Uttarakhand .
                     Computation of aggregate turnover of Rishabh Enterprises
                                                                                          Rishabh Enterprises has made export supply in the month of Feb (Inter state

             Particulars                        Turnover of  Cumulative Turnover of       Supply), so, As per sec 24, registration is required within 30days of such supply.
                                                February (`) February & March (`)
             Serving of cooked food and cold                         12,00,000
             drinks/non-alcoholic beverages in    5,50,000   [` 5,50,000 + ` 6,50,000]
             restaurant in Maharashtra
                                                                                           With  the  help  of  the  following  information  in  the  case  of  M/s  Jayant
             Add: Sale of alcoholic liquor for  human                5,00,000
                                                     -                                     Enterprises, Jaipur (Rajasthan) for the year 2023-24, determine the aggregate
             consumption  in Uttarakhand [Note-1]
                                                                                           turnover for the purpose of registration under the CGST Act, 2017.
             Add: Interest received from banks on the  1,00,000      2,00,000
             Fixed Deposits [Note-2]                          [` 1,00,000 + ` 1,00,000]     SI.No.  Particulars                                              Amount
             Add: Export of packed food items from   1,50,000        3,50,000                                                                                (in `)
             restaurant in Maharashtra                        [` 1,50,000 + ` 2,00,000]            Sale of diesel on which Sale Tax (VAT) is levied by        1,00,000
             Aggregate Turnover                   8,00,000       22,50,000                         Rajasthan Government
           Notes:                                                                                  Supply of goods, after completion of job work, from the place   3,00,000
           1. As per section 2(47) of the CGST Act, 2017,  exempt supply includes non-taxable      of JayantEnterprises directly by principal.
             supply. Thus, supply of alcoholic liquor for human consumption in Uttarakhand,   3.   Export supply to England (U.K.)                            5,00,000

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