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CCP                                                                 21. Combine Questions - Advance Level
           “Diligent Force” a professional training institute gets its training material of   CCP
     CH 2  “Aptitute Quotient” printed from “Durga printing House” a printing press. The   Jaskaran, a registered supplier of Delhi, has made the following supplies in
           content of the material is provided by the Diligent Force who owns the usage    the month of January, 20XX:
         Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
           rights of the same while                                                        Sr.No     Particulars                                               `
           the  physical  inputs  including  paper  used  for  printing  belong  to  the  Durga   I  Supply of 20,000 packages at ` 30 each to Sukhija Gift Shop   6,00,000
           Printing House.                                                                        in Punjab [Each package consists of 2 chocolates, 2 fruit
           Ascertain whether supply of training material by the Durga Printing House              juice bottles and  a packet of toy balloons]
           constitutes supply of goods or supply of services. (CA final RTP Nov 19)          ii    10 generators hired out to Morarji Banquet Halls, Chandigarh    2,50,000

           Answer:- Circular No. 11/11/2017 GST dated 20.10.2017 has clarified that supply of      [including cost of transporting the generators (` 1,000 for
           books printed with contents supplied by the recipient of such printed goods, is        each generator) from Jaskaran's warehouse to the Morarji
           composite supply and the question, whether such supplies constitute supply of goods    Banquet Halls]
           or services would be determined on the basis of what constitutes the principal supply.  iii  500 packages each consisting of 1 chocolate and 1 fruit juice
           Principal supply has been defined in section 2(90) of the CGST Act  as supply of        bottle given as free gift to Delhi customers on the occasion
           goods or services which constitutes the predominant element of a composite supply      of Diwali
           and to which any other supply forming part of that composite supply is ancillary.      [Cost of each package is ` 12, but the open market value of

           In the case of printing of books where content is supplied by the publisher or the     such package of goods and of goods of like kind and quality is
           person who owns the usage rights to the intangible inputs while the physical inputs    not available.   Input tax credit has not been taken on the
           including paper used for printing belong to the printer, supply of printing [of the    items contained in the package]
           content supplied by the recipient of supply] is the principal supply and therefore,   iv  Catering  services  provided  free  of  cost  for  elder  son's
           such supplies would constitute supply of service.                                      business inaugural function in Delhi [Cost of providing said

           Thus, in view of the above-mentioned provisions, the supply of training material by    services is ` 55,000, but the open market value of such
           the Durga Printing House would constitute supply of services.                          services  and  of  services  of  like  kind  and  quality  is  not

                                                                                           *excluding GST
                                                                                           You are required to determine the GST liability [CGST & SGST and/or IGST, as

                                                                                           the case may be of Jaskaran for the month of January, 20XX with the help of
                                                                                           the following additional information furnished by him for the said period:
                                                                                           1. Penalty of ` 10,000 was collected from Sukhija Gift Shop for the payment
                                                                                              received with a delay of 10 days.
        32    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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