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19. Sec.8- Composit and mixed supply                                             a principal supply [Section 2(30) of the CGST Act]. In view of the same,
            CCP                                                                  (a)  since, supply of breakfast and dinner with the accommodation in the hotel
     CH 2  Define the following terms as in accordance with GST Act:-                               are naturally bundled, said supplies qualify as 'composite supply'.
           i) Composite supply                                                            (b)     since supply of toothbrush alongwith the toothpaste are not naturally
         Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
                                                                                          bundled, said supplies do not qualify as 'composite supply'
           ii) Mixed supply
           Answer: As per section 2(30) of CGST Act , “composite supply”  means a supply
           made by a taxable person to a recipient consisting of two or more taxable supplies of   CCP
           goods or services or both, or any combination thereof, which are naturally bundled   Agrawal Carriers is a Goods Transport Agency (GTA) engaged in transportation

           and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of business, one of   of goods by road. As per the general business practice, Agrawal Carriers also
           which is a principal supply;                                                   provides  intermediary  and  ancillary  services  like  loading/unloading,
           Illustration. — Where goods are packed and transported with insurance, the supply   packing/unpacking, transhipment and temporary warehousing, in relation to
           of goods, packing materials, transport and insurance is a composite supply and supply   transportation of goods by road.
           of goods is a principal supply;                                                With reference to the provisions of GST law, analyse whether such services are
                  As per section 2 (74) “mixed supply”  means two or more individual supplies   to be treated as part of the GTA service, being a composite supply, or as

           of goods or services, or any combination thereof, made in conjunction with each other   separate supplies. (Mock test paper – Mar 18)
           by a taxable person for a single price where such supply does not constitute a   Answer: Legal provision:-  As per  sec 2(30) of CGST Act, Composite supply  means
           composite supply.                                                              a supply made by a taxable person to  a recipient consisting of two or more taxable
           Illustration — A supply of a package consisting of canned foods, sweets, chocolates,   supplies of goods or services or both, or any combination thereof, which are naturally
           cakes, dry fruits, aerated drinks and fruit juices when supplied for a single price is a   bundled and supplied in conjunction with each other in the ordinary course of

           mixed supply. Each of these items can be supplied separately and is not dependent on   business, one of which is a principal supply [Section 2(30) of the CGST Act].
           each other. It shall not be a mixed supply if these items are supplied separately.     The  GTA  provides  various  intermediary  and  ancillary  services,  such  as,
                                                                                          loading/unloading,  packing/unpacking,  transhipment  and  temporary  warehousing,
            CCP                                                               which are provided in the course of transport of goods by road.
           Determine whether the following supplies amount to composite supplies:
                                                                                                  These services are not provided as independent services but as ancillary to
           (a) A hotel provides 4 days-3 nights package wherein the facility of breakfast
                                                                                          the principal service, namely, transportation of goods by road. The invoice issued by
           and dinner is provided along with the room accommodation.
                                                                                          the GTA for providing the said service includes the value of intermediary and ancillary
           (b) A toothpaste company has offered the scheme of free toothbrush along       services.
           with the toothpaste. [ICAI Material]
                                                                                                  In view of this, if any intermediary and ancillary service is provided in relation
           Answer:  Under composite supply, two or more taxable supplies of goods or services or
                                                                                          to transportation of goods by road, and charges, if any, for such services are included
              both,  or  any  combination  thereof,  are  naturally  bundled  and  supplied
                                                                                          in the invoice issued by  the GTA, such service would form part of the GTA service,
              inconjunction with each other, in the ordinary course of business, one of which is
                                                                                          being a composite supply, and  would not be treated as a separate supply.
        30    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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