Page 32 - Chapter 2.cdr
P. 32

Compensation received in the form                                        ii)    Renting of immovable property  2,00,000   18,000   18,000
                   of petroleum silt, which, as per the
                                                                                                   p r o v i d e d   b y   t h e   S t a t e
     CH 2          contract  with  the  Government,  is
                   part of cost petroleum                                                          Government  to  Sukhdev  (a
         Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
               II                                  6,00,000   NIL       NIL                        registered person)
                   [ C o s t   p e t r o l e u m   i s   n o t   a
                   consideration  for  service  to  the
                                                                                            iii)   Assignment,  by  the  State                                2,00,000
                   Government  and  thus,  is  not
                                                                                                   Government, of the right to collect
                                                                                                   royalty from mining lease holders
                   Sale  of  petroleum  silt  to  a  SEZ
              iii)                                 6,80,000                      NIL               to the extent the exemption is not
                   [Supply to SEZ developer is a zero-                                             available
                   rated supply and no tax is payable                                      Total tax liability on inward supplies           27,000    27,000 2,00,000
                   on  the  same  if  made  under  a
                                                                                           under reverse charge
                                                                                            C)  Input tax credit                             18,000   12,000   60,000
             iv)  Consideration for transfer of tenancy   8,00,000 72,000  72,000                Opening balance
                                                                                                I n t e r - S t a t e  Since  the  goods   6,00,000            30,000
                  [Transfer of tenancy rights to a new
                                                                                                p u r c h a s e   o f  and  services  are
                  tenant against consideration in the
                                                                                                machinery         used for effecting
                  form of tenancy premium is taxable
                  even though stamp duty has been                                               Legal services    taxable  supplies   1,00,000  9,000  9,000
                  paid on the same.]                                                                              including  zero   2,00,000  18,000  18,000
                                                                                                R e n t i n g   o f
                                                                                                                  rated supplies, full
            v)    Sale of self-fabricated machinery  9,00,000  22,500  22,500                   i m m o v a b l e
                                                                                                                  ITC  thereon  will
                  [Since  open  market  value  of  the                                          property
                                                                                                                  be allowed.
                  machine is not available, the value                                           Assignment  of                                                2,00,000
                  will be 90% of the price charged for                                          right  to  collect
                  the supply of machinery by the agent                                          royalty
                  to his unrelated customer.]                                                   Total ITC
                                                                                                                                            45,000    39,000 2,90,000
                                                                                                [ITC  may  be  availed  for  making  zero
             Total tax liability on outward supplies        2,02,500 2,02,500                   rated supply even if such a supply is an
                                                                                                exempt supply. Sale of petroleum silt,
            B.   GST liability on inward supplies under reverse charge                          being a non-taxable supply, is an exempt
                  Legal services provided by a firm of                                           supply but since it is also a zero-rated
             i)                                    1,00,000  9,000     9,000
                  advocates to Sukhdev, i.e. a business                                         supply, ITC can be availed for making
                  entity                                                                        such supply.]
        40    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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