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CCP                                                                        He has been assigned the right to collect royalty on behalf of
                                                                                             I                                                             10,00,000
           Sukhdev is a mining engineer. He has crossed the threshold limit for registration       Maharashtra  Government,  as  'Excess  Royalty  Collection
           under the GST law and is duly registered in the State of Maharashtra. He effects        Contractor'. He has noticed that the mining lease holders            CH 2
           the following transactions in the month of March, 2019 and wants you to                 have  short  paid  2,00,000  as  IGST  from  what  had  been
           compute the tax payable in cash. He has filed bond/ LUT to claim benefits from            exempted to him under the assignment

           zero-rated supplies. The following are the particulars furnished by him.                He has sold self-fabricated machinery through his agent in
                                                                                             J                                                                -
                                                                                                   Mumbai, that has been used for 2 years, the value of which
                                                                           Value of
            Sr.No    Particulars                                                                   is  not  available  in  the  open  market.  The  agent  sells  it
                                                                           Supply in `             immediately to an unrelated customer in Mumbai.

              A    Sukhdev,  being  an  operating  member  in  mining  and                         Opening Balance and brought forward tax credits are as                  Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
                                                                           12,00,000         K
                   exploration services at Mumbai High, has provided certain                       follows:
                   services to the Joint Venture (JV) in which he is also a
                                                                                                    - Electronic Cash Ledger - CGST                        12,000
                   participant. He believes that the consideration received from
                                                                                                    - Electronic Credit Ledger - CGST                      18,000
                   the JV is 'Cost Petroleum' and not taxable.
                   He has purchased certain machinery from outside the State,                       - Electronic Credit Ledger - SGST                      12,000
              B                                                            6,00,000
                   to render services to the JV at Mumbai High.                                     - Electronic Credit Ledger - IGST                      60,000

              C    He has obtained legal opinion from a local firm of advocates   1,00,000    L    Supply value is exclusive of taxes. Supply of services are
                   to enter into the contract with the JV, for providing services                 taxable at CGST 9%, SGST 9% and IGST 18% and supply of
                   to it.
                                                                                                  goods are taxable at CGST 2.5%, SGST 2.5% and IGST 5%.
              D    He has obtained accommodation from the State Government                        Determine the tax payable in cash.
                   to locate his office close to the sea shore.                                    Provide suitable notes where required.
              E    He  gets  a  portion  of  the  petroleum  silt  as  part  of  the       [CA Final Nov 19 Exam]
                   compensation while exploring the petroleum reserves in the              Answer:- Computation of tax payable in cash
                   Bombay  High-  which  as  per  the  contract  with  the                                                         Amount    CGST     SGST     IGST `
                                                                                            S. No              Particulars
                   Government is part of 'Cost Petroleum'.                                                                            `        `        `
                                                                                             A    GST liability on outward supply
              F    He sells the petroleum silt to a SEZ Developer in Mumbai  6,80,000
                                                                                               I   Consideration for services provided as   12,00,000 1,08,000 1,08,000
              G    Consideration is received towards transfer of tenancy rights,  8,00,000        an  operating  member  to  the  Joint
                   which according to Sukhdev is not liable to GST as it has                      Venture  [The  operating  member  is
                   suffered stamp duty.                                                           providing the mining and exploration
                                                                                                  service to the joint venture, and thus,
              H    On violation of the terms in production sharing agreement,
                                                                           3,00,000               the consideration received therefor is
                   Sukhdev has paid liquidated damages to the Government
                                                                                                  not  cost  petroleum  and  hence,  is
                                                                                                  liable to tax.]

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          39
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