Page 8 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 8

(b)  Will the answer be different if the new facility is agreed upon after the end of the reporting period?

        (c)  Will the answer to (a) be different if the existing facility is from one bank and the new facility is from
            another bank?

        (d)  Will the answer to (a) be different if the new facility is not yet tied up with the existing bank, but the
            entity has the potential to refinance the obligation?


        Ind AS 1 defines current liabilities as follows:
        An entity shall classify a liability as current when:
         i)   it expects to settle the liability in its normal operating cycle;
         ii)  it holds the liability primarily for the purpose of trading;

         iii)  the liability is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period; or
         iv)  it does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least twelve months
              after the reporting period. Terms of a liability that could, at the option of the counterparty, result in its
              settlement by the issue of equity instruments do not affect its classification.
        An entity shall classify all other liabilities as non-current.

        Accordingly, following will be the classification of loan in the given scenarios:
        a) The loan is not due for payment at the end of the reporting period. The entity and the bank have agreed
           for the said roll over prior to the end of the reporting period for a period of 5 years. Since the entity has
           an unconditional right to defer the settlement of the liability for at least twelve months after the reporting
           period, the loan should be classified as non-current.

        b) Yes, the answer will be different if  the  arrangement  for  roll  over  is  agreed  upon  after the end of
           the reporting period because as per paragraph 72 of Ind AS 1, “an  entity classifies its financial liabilities as
           current when they  are  due  to  be  settled within twelve months after  the  reporting  period,  even  if:
           (a)  the  original  term  was for a period longer than twelve months, and (b) an agreement to refinance,

           or to reschedule payments, on a long-term basis is completed after the  reporting  period  and before the
           financial statements are approved for issue.” As at the end of the reporting period, the entity does not
           have  an  unconditional  right  to  defer  settlement  of  the  liability  for  at  least  twelve  months  after  the
           reporting period. Hence the loan is to be classified as current.
        c) Yes, loan facility arranged with new bank cannot be treated as refinancing, as the loan with the earlier
           bank would have to be settled which may coincide with loan facility arranged with a new bank. In this

           case, loan has to be repaid within a period of 9 months from the end of the reporting period, therefore, it
           will be classified as current liability.
        d) Yes,  the  answer  will  be  different  and  the  loan  should  be  classified  as  current.  This  is  because,  as  per
           paragraph 73 of Ind AS 1, when refinancing or rolling over the obligation is not at the discretion of the
           entity (for example, there is no arrangement for refinancing), the entity does not consider the potential to

           refinance the obligation and classifies the obligation as current.

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