Page 6 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 6

Since there is nothing to show that there is a present obligation, no provision will be made.

            As per para 27 of AS 29, a contingent liability is recognized only where the possibility of an outflow

            of resources embodying economic benefits is not remote. Since there is no onerous liability as on the
            reporting  date,  the possibility  of an outflow  becomes  remote.  Therefore,  no contingent liability  will

            arise. In fact, the management has  wrongly worded it as ‘onerous liability’ in its notes to accounts.
            Onerous liability arises only when the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligation under the contract

            exceeds the economic benefits expected to be received from it. This note should be eliminated.

       2.  The  demand  notice  from  the  tax  department  (that  is  under  litigation)  is  a  clear  instance  of  a
            ‘contingent liability’. Accordingly, the note should be revised as –

                                                    ‘Contingent Liability:

            There is a demand notice INR 12 Million, which is under CIT (Appeals) as on the reporting date.

       3.  The Statement to Profit and Loss needs to represent earnings per share, as per AS 20.

                                         Revised extracts of the financial statements

                                             Balance Sheet (INR in Million)

                                                             Note No.       As at March 31, 20X1
                          EQUITY AND LIABILITIES

                          Shareholders’ funds
                               Share capital                                              2,000
                               Reserves and surplus               1                       3,000
                          Non-current liabilities

                               Long-term borrowings               2                       10,000
                          Current liabilities
                               Trade payables                                               600

                               Short-term provisions                                       1,500
                               Other current liabilities          4                         1,410
                          TOTAL                                                           18,510

                          Non - current assets
                               Fixed Assets                                               11,310

                               Deferred Tax Assets                3                         600
                          Current assets
                          Inventories                                                     2,000
                          Trade receivables                       5                       2,200

                          Cash and Cash Equivalents                                        2,400
                          TOTAL                                                            18,510

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