Page 9 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 9

Q4 (Nov 20) - Analysis of Financial Statements

        Deepak started a new company Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. with Iktara Ltd. wherein investment of 55% is done by Iktara Ltd.
        and rest by Deepak. Voting powers are to be given as per the proportionate share of capital contribution.  The new

        company formed was the  subsidiary  of Iktara Ltd. with two directors, and Deepak eventually becomes one of the
        directors of company. A consultant was hired and he charged Rs. 30,000 for the incorporation of company and to do
        other necessary statuary registrations. Rs. 30,000 is to be charged as an expense in the books after incorporation of
        company.  The company, Softbharti Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on 1st April 2019.
        The financials of Iktara Ltd. are prepared as per Ind AS.

        An accountant who was hired at the time of company’s incorporation, has prepared the draft financials of Softbharti
        Pvt. Ltd. for the year ending 31st March, 2020 as follows:
                                          Statement of Profit and Loss
                        Particulars                                                Amount (Rs.)
                         Revenue from operations                                     10,00,000

                         Other Income                                                1,00,000
                         Total Revenue (a)                                           11,00,000
                         Purchase of stock in trade                                  5,00,000
                         (Increase)/Decrease in stock in trade                       (50,000)
                         Employee benefits expense                                   1,75,000

                         Depreciation                                                 30,000
                         Other expenses                                               90,000
                         Total Expenses (b)                                          7,45,000
                         Profit before tax (c) = (a)-(b)                             3,55,000
                         Current tax                                                 1,06,500
                         Deferred tax                                                 6,000
                         Total tax expense (d)                                       1,12,500
                         Profit for the year (e) = (c) – (d)                         2,42,500

                                                      Balance Sheet
                          Particulars                                             Amount (Rs.)
                           EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                           (1) Shareholders’ Funds
                                (a) Share Capital                                  1,00,000
                                (b) Reserves & Surplus                             2,27,500
                           (2) Non-Current Liabilities
                                (a) Long Term Provisions                           25,000

                                (b) Deferred tax liabilities                        6,000
                           (3) Current Liabilities
                                (a) Trade Payables                                  11,000
                                (b) Other Current Liabilities                       45,000
                                (c)  Short Term Provisions                         1,06,500
                           TOTAL                                                   5,21,000
                                                                                                                           1. 8
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