Page 25 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 25

Q10 (Nov 19 – 12Marks) (Analysis of Fin. Statements)

        Following are the Financial Statements of Abraham  Ltd.:

                                                      Balance Sheet

                                          Particulars                Note No.   As at 31 March,
                                                                               2019 (Rs in lakh)
                         EQUITY AND LIABILITIES:
                         Shareholders’ funds
                         Share capital (shares of Rs 10 each)                       1,000
                         Reserves and surplus                           1           2,400
                         Non-current liabilities
                         Long term borrowings                           2           5,700
                         Deferred tax liabilities                       3            400
                         Current liabilities
                         Trade payables                                              300
                         Short-term provisions                                       300
                         Other current liabilities                      4            200
                         Total                                                      10,300
                         Non-current assets
                         Fixed assets                                               5,000
                         Deferred tax assets                            3            700
                         Current assets
                         Inventories                                                1,500
                         Trade receivables                              5            1,100
                         Cash and bank balances                                     2,000
                         Total                                                      10,300

                                               Statement of Profit & Loss

                               Particular                      Note No.   Year ended 31  st
                                                                        March,  2019 (Rs in
                               Revenue from operations                        6,000
                               Employee benefit expense                       1,200
                               Operating costs                                 3,199
                               Depreciation                                    450

                               Total expenses                                 4,849
                               Profit before tax                               1,151
                               Tax expense                                     201
                               Profit after tax                                950

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