Page 24 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 24


        Q9 (May 19 – 4 Marks)

        Mike Ltd. has undertaken following various transactions in the financial year ended 31.03.2018:

                            (a)  Re-measurement of defined benefit plans ·           1,54,200
                            (b)  Current service cost                                1,05,000
                            (c)  Changes in revaluation surplus                      75,000
                            (d)  Gains and losses arising from translating the monetary   45,000
                                 assets in foreign currency

                            (e)  Gains and losses arising from translating the financial   39,000
                                 statements of a foreign operation
                            (f)  Gains  and  losses  arising  from  investments  in  equity   60,000
                                 instruments  designated  at  fair  value  through  other
                                 comprehensive income
                            (g)  Income tax expenses                                  21,000

                            (h)  Share based payments cost                           2,01,000
        Identify and present the transactions in the financial statements as per IND AS 1.


        Items impacting the Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31 March, 2018

                            Current service cost                                    1,05,000
                            Gains  and  losses  arising  from  translating  the  monetary   45,000
                            assets in foreign currency
                            Income tax expenses                                      21,000
                            Share based payments cost                               2,01,000

        Items impacting the Other Comprehensive Income for the year ended 31 March, 2018


                           Remeasurement of defined benefit plans                    1,54,200
                           Changes in revaluation surplus                             75,000
                           Gains  and  losses  arising  from  translating  the  financial

                           statements of a foreign operation                          39,000
                           Gains  and  losses  from  investments  in  equity  instruments

                           designated at fair value through other comprehensive income   60,000

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