Page 3 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
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Hence, the liability should be classified as current in the financial statement for the year ended March 31,


        Q2 (May 18) – Analysis of Financial Statements

        A Ltd. is an entity who prepares its financial statements based on Accounting Standards.  Following is the
        draft financial statement for the year ended on 31st March, 20X1:

                                                                                    (Note all figures are Rs in million)

                                                       Balance Sheet
                            Particulars                            Note  As at March 31, 20X1
                            EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
                            Shareholders’ funds
                            Share capital (shares of Rs. 10 each)                 2,000
                            Reserves and surplus                     1            4,000
                            Non-current liabilities
                            Long-term borrowings                     2             11,110
                            Deferred tax liabilities                 3             400

                            Current liabilities
                            Trade payables                                         600
                            Short-term provisions                                  500
                            Other current liabilities                4             300
                            TOTAL                                                 18,910
                            Non - current assets
                            Fixed Assets                                          11,310
                            Deferred Tax Assets                      3             1,000
                            Current assets
                            Inventories                                          2,000
                            Trade receivables                        5           2,200
                            Cash and bank balances                               2,400
                            TOTAL                                                18,910

        Note 1: The Company has achieved a major breakthrough in its consultancy services in South Asia following
        which it has entered into a contract of rendering services with Floral Inc. for Rs 12 Billion during the year.

        The termination clause of the contract is equivalent to Rs 14 Million and is payable in case transition time
        schedule  is  missed  from  15th  December  20X5.  The  management  however  is  of  the  view  that  the  liability

        cannot be treated as onerous.

        Note 2: The Company is not able to assess the final liability for a particular tax assessment pertaining to the
        assessment year 20X1-20X2 wherein it has received a demand notice of Rs 12 Million. However, the company
        is contesting the same with CIT (Appeals) as on the reporting date.

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