Page 4 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 4

Statement of Profit & Loss

                                     Particulars               Note     Year ended March 31, 20X1
                         Revenue from operations Expenses                         11,000
                         Employee Benefit Expense                                 2,400
                         Operating Costs                                          4,400
                         Depreciation                                             1,998
                         Total Expenses                                           8,798
                         Profit before tax                                       2,202
                         Tax Expense                                             (300)
                         Profit after tax                                         1,902

        Notes to Accounts:
        Note 1: Reserves and Surplus                                     (INR in millions)

                          Capital Reserve                                           1,000
                          Surplus from P & L
                          Opening Balance 98
                          Additions 1,902                                          2,000
                          Reserve for foreseeable loss                              1,000
                          Total                                                    4,000
        Note 2: Long Term Borrowings

                           Term Loan from Bank                                     11,110
                           Total                                                   11,110

        Note 3: Deferred Tax

                          Deferred Tax Asset                                        1,000
                          Deferred Tax Liability                                   (400)
                          Total                                                     600

        Note 4: Other Current Liabilities

                            Unclaimed dividends                                     6
                            Billing in Advance                                     294
                            Total                                                  300

        Note 5: Trade Receivables
                             Considered good (outstanding within 6 months)           2,130
                             Considered doubtful (due from past 1 year)               80
                             Provision for doubtful debts                            (10)
                             Total                                                   2,200

        Additional Information:

          (a) Share capital comprises of 200 million shares of Rs 10 each

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