Page 5 - 1. COMPILER QB - INDAS 1
P. 5

(b) Term Loan from bank for Rs 11,110 million also includes interest accrued and due of Rs 11,110 million as

              on the reporting date.
          (c) Reserve for foreseeable loss is created against a service contract due within 6 months.

            (1) Evaluate and report the errors and misstatements in the above extracts; and,

            (2) Prepare the corrected Balance Sheet & Statement of Profit and Loss.

        On evaluation of the financial statements, following was observed:
        1.  For foreseeable loss provision is made and not reserves. Hence, reserve for foreseeable loss for INR 1000

            million, (due within 6 months), should be a part of provision. Therefore, it needs to be regrouped. If it was
            also  a  part  of  previous  year’s  comparatives,  then  a  note  should  be  added  in  the  notes  to  account  for

            regrouping done this year.

        2.  Interest accrued and due of INR 1,110 million on term loan will be a part of current liabilities since it is
            supposed  to  be  paid  within  12  months  from  the  reporting  date.  Hence,  it  should  be  shown  under  the

            heading “Other Current Liabilities”.

        3.  It can be inferred from Note 3, that the deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets relate to taxes on
            income levied by the same governing taxation laws. Hence, these shall be set off, in accordance with AS

            22. The net DTA of INR 600 million shall be shown in the balance sheet.

        4.  The note to trade receivables was incorrectly presented. The rectified note would be as follows:

                             Trade receivables (Unsecured)                   INR in million
                             (a)  Over six months from the date they were
                                  due for payment
                                  i.   Considered good                           0
                                  ii.   Considered doubtful                     80

                                      Less: Provision for doubtful debts        (10)
                                                                   (A)           70
                             (b)  Others
                                  i.   Considered good                         2,130

                                  ii.   Considered doubtful                      0
                                      Less: Provision for doubtful debts         0
                                                                   (B)         2,130
                             Total (A + B)                                     2,200

       1.  It is common to have a termination clause in service contracts.  Just by having a termination clause, a
            company  cannot  create  a  liability.  Para  14  of  AS  29  inter  alia  states  that  a  provision  will  be

            recognized when an enterprise has a present obligation as a result of a past event.
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