Page 20 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 20

Less: Recoverable amount                                                 (1.09)
                     Impairment loss                                                           2.46
                     Less: Balance in revaluation reserve as on 31.03.2016:
                              Balance in revaluation reserve as on 31.03.2014
                         Less: Enhanced depreciation met from revaluation reserve

                                     2014-2015 and 2015-2016 = [(1.775 –1.25) x 2year         (1.05)
                     Impairment loss set off against revaluation reserve balance as per
                     of INDAS 36 “Impairment of Assets”                                       (1.05)
                     Impairment Loss to be debited to profit and loss account                  1.41

        Q13. (Nov. 20) - Similar to Q.11

        Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. has three Cash Generating units namely Train, Railway station and Railway tracks,
        the carrying amounts of which as on March 31 , 2020 are as follows:
                                    Cash Generating   Carrying Amount (Rs.   Remaining
                                         Units               in Cr.)         Useful Life
                                  Train                       1500               10
                                  Railway Station             2250               20
                                  Railway Track               3300               20

        Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. also has two Corporate Assets having a remaining useful life of 20 years.

                                                                    (₹ in crore)
                          Corporate     Carrying                      Remarks
                            Assets      amount
                            Land          1,800    The carrying amount of Land can be allocated on a
                                                   reasonable  basis  (i.e.,  pro  rata  basis)  to  the
                                                   individual cash-generating units.

                           Building       600      The  carrying  amount  of  Buildings  cannot  be
                                                   allocated  on  a  reasonable  basis  to  the  individual
                                                   cash-generating units.
        Recoverable amount as on March 31", 2020 is as follows:

                                Cash Generating units         Recoverable amount (₹ in crore)
                           Train                                          1,800
                           Railway station                                2,700
                           Railway tracks                                 4,200
                           Company as a whole                             9,600
        Calculate the impairment loss, if any. Ignore decimals.

        Allocation of corporate assets
        The carrying amount of land is allocated to the carrying amount of each individual cash generating unit. A
        weighted allocation basis is used because the estimated remaining useful life of Train’s cash-generating unit is

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