Page 17 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
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note  -  don’t  do  (d+f).  ‘d’  is  just  for  allocation  purposes.  Carrying  amount  will  be  the  same  as  before
        allocating the amount of AU

        (ii)  Calculation of impairment loss
        Step 1: Impairment losses for individual cash-generating units and its allocation
         (a) Impairment loss of each cash-generating units
                                                                                      Rs in lakh)
                                         Particulars                  X         Y          Z
                         Carrying amount (after allocation of AU)    1,056     1,160     1,584
                         Recoverable amount                          1,000    1,200      1,400
                         Impairment loss                              56       Nil        184

         (b) Allocation of the impairment loss (after rounding off)
                                                                                          (Rs in lakh)
                           Allocation to         X                       Z
                    AU                          14     (56x256/1,056)    45        (184x384/1,584)
                    Other   assets   in   cash-
                    generating units            42     (56x800/1056)     139      (184x1,200/ 1,584)
                    Impairment loss             56                       184
        Step 2: Impairment loss for the larger cash-generating unit, i.e., XYZ Ltd. as a whole
                                                                                            Rs in lakh
                            Particulars             X        Y       Z      AU      BU       XYZ Ltd.
                  Carrying amount                  800     1,000   1,200   800     400        4,200
                  Impairment loss (Step I)         (42)      -     (139)   (59)     -         (240)
                  Carrying amount (after Step I)                             *
                                                   758     1,000   1,061    741    400        3,960
                  Recoverable amount                                                          3,900
                  Impairment loss for the ‘larger’ cash-generating unit                        60

        *Rs14 lakh + Rs45 lakh = Rs59 lakh.

        Q11 (Nov 18 – 5 Marks) - rearranged the working notes
        A machine was acquired by ABC Ltd. 15 years ago at a cost ofRs20 crore. Its accumulated depreciation as at
        31st  March,  2018  was  Rs16.60  crore.  Depreciation  estimated  for  the  financial  year  2018-19  is  Rs1  crore.

        Estimated Net Selling Price of the machine as on 31st March, 2018 was Rs1.20 crore, which is expected to
        decline by 20 per cent by the end of the next financial year.
        Its value in use has been computed at Rs1.40 crore as on 1st April, 2018, which is expected to decrease by 30
        per cent by the end of the financial year. Assuming that other conditions of relevant Ind AS for applicability
        of the impairment are satisfied:
        (i)  What should be the carrying amount of this machine as at 31st March, 2019?

        (ii)  How much will be the amount of write off (impairment loss) for the financial year ended 31st March,
        (iii) If the machine had been revalued ten years ago and the current revaluation reserves against this plant
             were to be Rs48 lakh, how would you answer the questions in (i) and (ii) above?

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