Page 16 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 16


        Q10 (Nov. 18 – 10 Marks)
       XYZ Limited has three cash-generating units - X, Y and Z, the carrying amounts of which as on 31st March,

       2018 are as follows:
                               Cash Generating     Carrying Amount (Rs.   Remaining useful life
                                    Units                in lakh)              in years
                                     X                     800                    20
                                     Y                    1000                    10
                                     Z                    1200                    20

        XYZ Limited also has corporate assets having a remaining useful life of 20 years as given below:
                 Corporate   Carrying amount (Rs.                         Remarks
                  Assets          in lakh)
                    AU              800          The  carrying  amount  of  AU  can  be  allocated  on  a  reasonable
                                                 basis to the individual cash generating units.
                    BU              400          The carrying amount of BU cannot be allocated on a reasonable
                                                 basis to the individual cash-generating units.
        Recoverable amounts as on 31st March, 2018 are as follows:

                               Cash-generating units       Recoverable amount (Rs. in lakh)
                                        X                               1000
                                        Y                               1200
                                        Z                               1400
                                    XYZ Limited                         3900
        Calculate the impairment loss if any of XYZ Ltd. Ignore decimals.

         (i)  Allocation of corporate assets to CGU
            The carrying amount of AU is allocated to the carrying amount of each individual cash- generating unit. A
            weighted allocation basis is used because the estimated remaining useful life of Y’s cash-generating
            unit is 10 years, whereas the estimated remaining useful lives of X and Z’s cash-generating units are

            20 years.
                                                                                                   (Rs in lakh)
                                 Particulars                        X             Y             Z         Total
          (a)   Carrying amount                                    800          1000          1,200       3,000
          (b)   Useful life                                      20 years      10 years      20 years
          (c)   Weight based on useful life                         2             1             2

          (d)   Carrying amount (after assigning weight) (a x c)   1,600        1,000         2,400       5,000
          (e)   Pro-rata allocation of AU                          32%          20%            48%        100%
                                                               (1,600/5,000)  (1,000/5,000)   (2,400/5,000)

           (f)   Allocation of carrying amount of AU (32: 20: 48)   256          160           384         800
          (g)   Carrying amount (after allocation of AU) (a + f)   1,056        1,160         1,584       3,800

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