Page 21 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
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10 years, whereas the estimated remaining useful lives of Railway station and Railway track’s cash-generating
        units are 20 years.
                                                      (Rs. in crore)

                       Particulars              Train         Railway station    Railway tracks     Total
              Carrying amount (a)                1,500             2,250             3,300          7,050
              Useful life                      10 years           20 years          20 years         -
              Weight based on useful life         1                  2                 2             -
              Carrying amount                    1,500             4,500             6,600         12,600
              (after  assigning weight)
              Pro-rata allocation of Land        12%               36%               52%            100%
                                             (1,500/12,600)    (4,500/12,600)    (6,600/12,600)
              Allocation of carrying amount of   216               648                936           1,800
              Land   (b)
              Carrying   amount     (after       1,716             2,898             4,236          8,850
              allocation of Land) (a + b)

                                              Calculation of impairment loss
        Step I: Impairment losses for individual cash-generating units and its allocation:
        (a)    Impairment loss of each cash-generating units

                                                                                          (Rs. in crore)
                                     Particulars                 Train   Railway station   Railway tracks
                      Carrying amount (after allocation of land)   1,716     2,898            4,236
                      Recoverable amount                         1,800       2,700            4,200
                      Impairment loss                             -           198              36

        (b) Allocation of the impairment loss

                                                                                        (Rs in crore)
                         Allocation to      Railway                      Railway
                                            station                      tracks
                     Land                     44        [198 x (648 /      8          [36 x (936 /
                                                          2,898)]                       4,236)]
                     Other assets in cash-             [198 x 2,250 /                 [36 x (3,300/
                     generating units         154         2,898)]          28           4,236)]
                     Impairment loss          198                          36

        Step II: Impairment losses for the larger cash-generating unit, i.e., Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. as a whole
                                                                                               (Rs. in crore)
              Particulars                Train    Railway    Railway     Land    Building     Pacific Ocean
                                                   station     tracks                          Railway Ltd.
              Carrying amount            1,500    2,250       3,300      1,800      600           9,450

              Impairment loss (Step I)     -      (154)        (28)      (52)        -           (234)
             Carrying amount (after Step I)  1,500   2,096      3,272     1,748        600        9,216
              Recoverable amount                                                                  9,600
              Impairment loss for the ‘larger’ cash-generating unit                          Nil

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