Page 3 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 3

Impairment loss*                                   (500)        (913)       (1413)
                   Carrying amount after impairment loss                0          3,120        3,120
        * Notes:
        1.  As per INDAS 36, an impairment loss should be allocated to reduce the carrying amount of the assets of

            the unit in the following order:
        (a) first, to goodwill allocated to the cash-generating unit (if any); and
        (b) then, to the other assets of the unit on a pro-rata basis based on the carrying amount of each asset in
            the unit.
        Hence, first goodwill is impaired at full value and then identifiable assets are impaired to arrive at recoverable

        (ii) Carrying amount of the assets at the end of 20X6 (Amount in Rs. lakhs)
                                   End of 20X6                        Goodwill      Identifiable     Total
               Carrying amount in 20X6                                   0             2,553        2,553
               Add: Reversal of impairment loss (W.N.2)                  -              747          747
               Carrying amount after reversal of impairment loss         -             3,300         3,300

        Working Note:
        1.  Calculation of depreciation after impairment till 20X6 and reversal of impairment loss in 20X6
                                                                                         (Amount in Rs lakhs)
                                                                        Goodwill    Identifiable     Total
             A. Carrying amount after impairment loss in 20X4              0           3,120         3,120
             B. Additional depreciation (i.e. (3,120/11) x 2)refer Note    –           (567)        (567)
             C. Carrying amount                                            0           2,553         2,553
             D. Recoverable amount                                                                   3,420
             E. Excess of recoverable amount over carrying amount (D-C)                               867

        Note: It is assumed that the restriction by the Government has been lifted at the end of the year 20X6.
        Therefore, depreciation for 2 years is calculated (2005, 2006).

        2.  Determination  of  the  amount  to  be  impaired  by  calculating  depreciated  historical  cost  of  the

            identifiable assets without impairment at the end of 20X6
                                                                              (Amount in Rs lakhs)
                                        End of 20X6                       Identifiable assets
                        Historical cost                                         5,500
                        Accumulated depreciation                     (366.67 x 6 years) = (2,200)
                        Depreciated historical cost                             3,300
                        Carrying amount (in W.N. 1)                             2,553
                        Amount of reversal of impairment loss                    747
        As  per  INDAS  36,  in  allocating  a  reversal  of  an  impairment  loss  for  a  cash-generating  unit,  the  carrying

        amount of an asset should not be increased above the lower of:
         (a) its recoverable amount (if determinable); and
                                                                                                            10. 2
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