Page 7 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 7

Machinery B
                            Cost (C)                                             Rs 5,00,000
                            Residual Value                                           -
                            Useful life                                           10 years
                            Useful life already elapsed                            3 years
                            Yearly depreciation (D)                               Rs 50,000
                            WDV as at 31st March, 2018 [C- (D x 3)]              Rs 3,50,000

            (ii)  Calculation of Value-in-use of Machinery A

                                  Period         Cash Flows (Rs)       PVF          PV
                                     1               1,50,000         0.909       1,36,350
                                    2                1,00,000         0.826        82,600
                                    3                1,00,000         0.751        75,100
                                    4                1,50,000         0.683       1,02,450
                                    5                1,00,000         0.621        62,100
                                    5                 50,000          0.621        31,050
                                Value in use                                      4,89,650

            (iii)   Calculation of Fair Value less cost of disposal of Machinery A
                                  Fair Value                                  7,00,000
                                  Less: Dismantling cost                     (1,50,000)
                                  Packaging cost                             (25,000)
                                  Legal Fees                                 (75,000)
                                  Fair value less cost of disposal           4,50,000

            (iv)   Calculation of Impairment loss on Machinery A

                              Carrying Value                                      5,25,000
                              Less: Recoverable Value i.e. higher of Value-in-use  and
                              Fair value less cost of disposal                    4,89,650
                              Impairment Loss                                      35,350
                   Revised carrying amount of Machinery A = 4,89,650

            (v)    Calculation of Impairment loss of CGU

            1.  First  goodwill  will  be  impaired  fully  and  then  the  remaining  impairment  loss  of  Rs75,000  will  be
               allocated to Machinery A and B.
            2.  If we allocate remaining impairment loss to Machinery A and B on a pro-rata basis, it would come to
               Rs45,000 on Machinery A. However, the impairment loss of Machinery A cannot exceed Rs. 35,350.
               Hence, impairment to CGU will be as follows:
                                              Carrying value    Impairment    Carrying value
                                                  before          loss Rs   after impairment
                                            impairment loss Rs                   loss Rs

                              Machinery A        5,25,000         35,350        4,89,650
                              Machinery B        3,50,000         39,650*        3,10,350
                                                                                                            10. 6
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