Page 5 - 10. COMPILER QB - INDAS 36
P. 5

3.  Calculation of a weighted allocation of the carrying amount of the headquarter building
                                                   (Amount in Rs. lakhs)
                              On 31 March, 2018                     A           B           C        Total
                Carrying amount                                    (A)   100   150         200        450
                Useful life                                      10 years    20 years    20 years
                Weighting based on useful life                      1           2           2
                Carrying amount after weighting                    100         300         400        800
                Pro-rata allocation of the building               12.5%       37.5%       50%        100%
                Allocation  of  the  carrying  amount  of  the  building   (100/800)   (300/800)   (400/800)
                (based on pro-rata above)      (B)                18.75       56.25        75         150
                Carrying amount (after allocation of the building)   118.75   206.25       275        600

      4.  Calculation of Impairment Losses
         (i) Application of ‘bottom-up’ test (Amount in Rs. lakhs)
                                       31 March, 2018                     A          B          C
                     Carrying amount (after allocation of the building)   118.75   206.25      275
                     (Refer Point 3 above)
                      Recoverable amount (given in the question)          199        164       271
                      Impairment loss                                      0        (42)       (4)

        (ii)  Allocation of the impairment losses for cash-generating units B and C
                                                                     (Amount in Rs. lakhs)
                                 Cash-generating unit                  B                   C

                        To headquarter building                 (12) (42*56/206)     (1) (4*75/275)
                        To assets in cash-generating unit       (30) (42*150/206)   (3) (4*200/275)
                                                                      (42)                (4)
        Since the research centre could not be allocated on a reasonable and consistent basis to A, B and C’s CGU, M
        Ltd. compares the carrying amount of the smallest CGU to which the carrying amount of the research centre
        can be allocated (i.e., M as a whole) to its recoverable amount, in accordance with the ‘top-down’ test.

        (iii)   Application of the ‘top-down’ test

                                                                                            (Amount in Rs lakhs)
                                 st                             A    B     C    Building  Researc  M Ltd.
                               31 March, 2018
                Carrying amount                                 100  150  200     150       50       650
                Impairment loss arising from the ‘bottom-up’ test   –  (30)  (3)   (13)      –      (46)
                Carrying amount after the ‘bottom- up’ test     100  120   197    137       50       604
                Recoverable amount                                                                   720
        Since recoverable amount is more than the carrying amount of M Ltd., no additional impairment loss has been
        resulted from the application of the ‘top-down’ test. Only an impairment loss of Rs46 lakhs will be recognized

        as a result of the application of the ‘bottom-up’ test.

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