Page 20 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 20

On Factory :
         i. Depreciation on roof component (1,40,00,000 × 25% × 1/20 x3/12)    43,750

         ii. Depreciation on remaining factory (1,40,00,000× 75% × 1/40×3/12)   65,625              (1,09,375)

         Carrying amount of depreciable asset i.e factory                          1,50,00,000     1,38,90,625
                                      Total cost                                                   2,88,90,625


        1.  Interest cost has been capitalised based on a nine-month period. This is because; purchase of land would
            trigger off capitalisation.

        2.  All  of  the  net  finance  cost  of  Rs.  8,20,000  (Rs9,45,000  -  Rs1,25,000)  has  been  allocated  to  the

            depreciable asset i.e. Factory. Alternatively, it can be allocated proportionally between land and factory.

        Q13. (Nov. 2019) - Similar to Q.3

        M Ltd. is setting up a new factory outside the Delhi city limits. In order to facilitate the construction of the

        factory  and  its  operations,  M  Ltd.  is  required  to  incur  expenditure  on  the  construction/  development  of

        electric-substation.  Though  M  Ltd.  incurs  (or  contributes  to)  the  expenditure  on  the  construction
        /development, it will not have ownership rights on these items and they are also available for use to other
        entities and public at large. Whether M Ltd. can capitalise expenditure incurred on these items as property,

        plant  and  equipment  (PPE)?  If  yes,  then  how  should  these  items  be  depreciated  and  presented  in  the

        financial statements of M Ltd. as per Ind AS?

        As per Ind AS 16, the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognised as an asset if,

        and only if:
        (a)  it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity; and

        (b)  The cost of the item can be measured reliably.
        Further,  Ind  AS  16  does  not  prescribe  what  constitutes  an  item  of  property,  plant  and  equipment.  Thus,

        judgement is required in applying the recognition criteria to an entity‖s specific circumstances.
        Ind AS 16, further, states that the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises any costs

        directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of

        operating in the manner intended by management.
        In  the  given  case,  electric-substation  is  required  to  facilitate  the  construction  of  the  factory  and  for  its
        operations. Expenditure on these items is required to be incurred in order to get future economic benefits

        from the project as a whole which can be considered as the unit of measure for the purpose of capitalisation

        of the said expenditure even though the company cannot restrict the access of others for using the assets

        It is apparent that the aforesaid expenditure is directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and
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