Page 8 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 8

nature and use of land operated as a landfill site is different from vacant land. Hence, the entity should disclose
        Property  A  separately.  The  entity  must  apply  judgment  to  determine  whether  the  entity‖s  retail  outlets  are
        sufficiently different in nature and use from its office buildings, and thus constitute a separate class of land

        and buildings.
        The  computer  equipment  is  integrated  across  the  organisation  and  would  probably  be  classified  as  a  single
        separate class of asset.
        Furniture  and  fittings  used  for  administrative  purposes  could  be  sufficiently  different  to  shop  fixtures  and
        fittings in retail outlets. Hence, they should be classified in two separate classes of assets.

        Q7. (Nov. 21)

        Heaven Ltd. had purchased machinery on 1.4.2X01 for Rs. 30,00,000, which is reflected in its books at a written
        down value of Rs. 17,50,000 on 1.4.2X06. The company has estimated an upward revaluation of 10% on 1.4.2X06
        to arrive at the fair value of the asset. Heaven Ltd. availed the option given by Ind AS of transferring some of

        the surplus as the asset is used by an enterprise.
        On  1.4.2X08,  the  machinery  was  revalued  downward  by  15%  and  the  company  also  re-  estimated  the
        machinery‖s remaining life to be 8 years On31.3.2 X10 the machinery was sold for Rs. 9,35,000.
        The company charges depreciation on the straight line method.
        Prepare machinery accounts in the books of Heaven Ltd. over its useful life to record the above transactions.

                                                In the books of Heaven Ltd.

                                                       Machinery, A/c
              Date          Particulars        Amount        Date               Particulars             Amount
            1.4.2X01   To Bank / Vendor        30,00,000   31.3.2X02  By Depreciation (W.N.1)           2,50,000
                                                           31.3.2X02  By Balance c/d                   27,50,000
                                               30,00,000                                               30,00,000
            1.4.2X02   To Balance b/d          27,50,000   31.3.2X03  By Depreciation                   2,50,000
                                                           31.3.2X03  By Balance c/d                   25,00,000
                                               27,50,000                                               27,50,000
            1.4.2X03   To Balance b/d          25,00,000     31.3.   By Depreciation                    2,50,000
                                                           31.3.2X04  By Balance c/d                   22,50,000
                                               25,00,000                                               25,00,000
            1.4.2X04   To Balance b/d          22,50,000   31.3.2X05  By Depreciation                   2,50,000
                                                           31.3.2X05  By Balance c/d                   20,00,000
                                               22,50,000                                               22,50,000

            1.4.2X05   To Balance b/d          20,00,000   31.3.2X06  By Depreciation                   2,50,000
                                                           31.3.2X06  By Balance c/d                   17,50,000
                                               20,00,000                                               20,00,000
            1.4.2X06   To Balance b/d          17,50,000   31.3.2X07  By Depreciation (W.N.2)           2,75,000
            1.4.2X06   To   Revaluation                    31.3.2X07  By Balance c/d                   16,50,000
                       Reserve @ 10%            1,75,000
                                               19,25,000                                               19,25,000
            1.4.2X07   To Balance b/d          16,50,000   31.3.2X08  By Depreciation                   2,75,000

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