Page 22 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 22

2) Computation Goodwill/Bargain Purchase Gain
                                                 Particulars                     As at 30.6.20X1
                          Total Non - Current Assets                                 2,56,641
                          Total  Current  Assets  (Except  Cash  &  Cash  Equivalent  of  Rs.   59,994
                          66,660) (1,26,654 – 66,660)

                          Total Non-Current Liabilities                              (99,990)
                          Total Current Liabilities                                 (66,660)
                          Total Deferred Tax Liability (Refer Working note 3)        (29,997)
                          Net Assets Acquired                                        1,19,988
                          Less: Consideration Paid                                  (1,00,000)
                          Gain on Bargain Purchase (To be transferred to OCI)        19,988
        *In extremely rare circumstances, an acquirer will make a bargain purchase in a business combination in which
        the value of net assets acquired in a business combination exceeds the purchase consideration. The acquirer

        shall recognise the resulting gain in other comprehensive income on the acquisition date and accumulate the
        same in equity as capital reserve, if the reason for bargain purchase gain is clear and evidence exists. If there
        does not exist clear evidence of the underlying reasons for classifying the business combination as a bargain
        purchase, then the gain shall be recognised directly in equity as capital reserve. Since in the above scenario it

        is  clearly  evident  that  due  to  liquidity  issues,  Company  Z  has  to  withdraw  their  participating  right  from
        AWM/01.  The  said  bargain  purchase  gain  should  be  transferred  to  other  comprehensive  income  on  the
        acquisition date.

        3)  Computation of Deferred Tax Liability arising on Business Combination
                                          Particulars                          Acquisition Date Value (Rs.)

                Total Non - Current Assets                                             2,56,641
                Total Current Assets (Except Cash & Cash Equivalent of Rs. 66,660)      59,994
                Total Non-Current Liabilities                                          (99,990)

                Total Current Liabilities                                              (66,660)
                Net Assets Acquired at Fair Value                                      1,49,985
                Book value of Net Assets Acquired                                       49,995
                Temporary Difference                                                    99,990
                DTL @ 30% on Temporary Difference                                       29,997

        Note: As per Ind AS 103, in case an entity acquires another entity step by step through series of purchase

        then the acquisition date will be the date on which the acquirer obtains control. Till the time the control is
        obtained the investment will be accounted as per the requirements of other Ind AS 109, if the investments are
        covered under that standard or as per Ind AS 28, if the investments are in Associates or Joint Ventures.
        If a business combination is achieved in stages, the acquirer shall remeasure its previously held equity interest

        in the acquire at its acquisition-date fair value and recognise the resulting gain or loss, if any, in profit or loss
        or other comprehensive income, as appropriate.
        Since in the above transaction, company X does not hold any prior interest in Company Z & company holds
        only  30%  PI  rights  in  Block  AWM/01  through  unincorporated  joint  venture,  this  is  not  a  case  of  step
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