Page 18 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 18

Cash and cash equivalents        2,00,000    4,00,000      1,00,000     2,00,000
                   Other Current Assets             2,25,000     50,000       25,000        50,000
                   Total Current Assets             6,75,000    9,50,000      1,90,000     3,80,000
                   Total Assets                    13,50,000    23,00,000    4,25,000      8,50,000
                   Equity and Liabilities

                   Equity share capital             3,00,000    3,00,000      1,00,000     1,00,000
                   Other equity                     2,00,000    3,00,000      75,000       2,50,000
                   Total Equity                     5,00,000    6,00,000      1,75,000     3,50,000
                   Non-Current Liabilities
                   Provisions                       4,00,000    8,00,000      1,00,000     2,00,000
                   Other Liabilities                1,50,000    3,00,000      50,000       1,00,000
                   Total Non-Current Liabilities    5,50,000    11,00,000     1,50,000     3,00,000
                   Current Liabilities
                   Financial Liabilities
                   Trade Payables                   3,00,000    6,00,000      1,00,000     2,00,000
                   Total Current Liabilities        3,00,000    6,00,000      1,00,000     2,00,000
                   Total Liabilities               13,50,000    23,00,000    4,25,000      8,50,000
        Additional Information:

        1.  Fair Value of PPE & Development CWIP owned by Company Z as per Market participant approach is Rs.
           5,00,000 & Rs. 2,00,000 respectively.
        2.  Fair Value of all the other assets and liabilities acquired are assumed to be at their carrying values (except
           cash & cash equivalents). Cash and cash equivalents of Company Z are not to be acquired by Company X

           as per the terms of agreement.
        3.  Tax rate is assumed to be 30%.
        4.  As per Ind AS 28, all the joint operators are joint ventures whereby each parties that have joint control of
           the arrangement have rights to the Assets and obligation to Liabilities of the arrangement and therefore
           every operator records their share of assets and liabilities in their books.

        You need to determine the following:
        1.  Whether  the  above  acquisition  falls  under  business  or  asset  acquisition  as  defined  under  business
           combination standard Ind AS 103?
        2.  Determine the acquisition date in the above transaction.
        3.  Prepare Journal entries for the above-mentioned transaction.

        Draft the Balance Sheet for Company X based on your analysis in Part 1 above as at acquisition date.

        (1)  Ind  AS  103  defines  business  as  an  integrated  set  of  activities  and  assets  that  is  capable  of  being
            conducted and managed for the purpose of providing goods or services to customers, generating investment
            income (such as dividends or interest) or generating other income from ordinary activities.
            For a transaction to meet the definition of a business combination (and for the acquisition method of
            accounting to apply), the entity must gain control of an integrated set of assets and activities that is

            more than a collection of assets or a combination of assets and liabilities.
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