Page 23 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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        Q11. (August 18)

        Preet Pvt. Ltd. has a number of wholly-owned subsidiaries including Stuti Pvt. Ltd. as of 31st March, 2018.
        Preet Pvt. Ltd.‖s consolidated balance sheet and the carrying amount of assets and liabilities of Stuti Pvt.
        Ltd., included in the respective amount of respective grouped assets and liabilities of the consolidated balance
        sheet as at 31st March, 2018 are as follows:
                            Particulars          Consolidated balance    Carrying amount of asset and
                                                        sheet             liabilities of Stuti Pvt. Ltd.
                                                    (Rs. in million)         included in the CFS
                                                                               (Rs. in million)
                   Non-current Assets
                   Goodwill                              380                         180
                   Buildings                            3,240                       1,340
                   Current Assets
                   Inventories                           140                         40
                   Trade Receivables                    1,700                        900
                   Cash and cash equivalents            3,100                       1000
                   Total Assets                         8,560                       3,460
                   Equities & Liabilities
                   Equity                                1600
                   Share Capital
                   Other Equity
                   Retained Earnings                    4,260
                   Current liabilities
                   Trade Payables                       2,700                        900
                   Total Equity & Liabilities           8,560                        900
        Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet after disposal as on 31st March, 2018 when Preet Pvt. Ltd. group sold

        100% shares of Stuti Pvt. Ltd. to an independent party for Rs. 3,000 million.

           When 100% shares sold to independent party Consolidated Balance Sheet of Preet Pvt. Ltd. and its
                                      remaining subsidiaries as on 31st March, 2018
                  Particular                                          Note No.         (Rs. in million)
                  I.     Assets
                       (1)  Non-Current Assets
                         (i)    Property Plant & Equipment                   1               1900
                         (ii)   Goodwill                                     2                200
                       (2) Current Assets
                         (i)    Inventories                                  3                100
                         (ii)   Financial Assets
                               (a) Trade Receivable                          4                800
                               (b) Cash & Cash equivalents                   5               5,100
                                       Total Assets
                  II.    Equity and Liabilities                                              8,100
                       (1)  Equity
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